Hi there
I’m trying to get the duration of a clip from an exported finalcut pro xml out of premiere pro cc. Somehow it seems my following calculation is wrong. TICKS_PER_SECOND is 254,016,000,000 (Source Post).
TimeInSec = (pproTicksOut / TICKS_PER_SECOND) – (pproTicksIn / TICKS_PER_SECOND)
With example data attached that results in TimeInSec = 37.32. Adobe Premiere shows duration for that clip of “00:00:36:20” (920 Frames).
Is someone able to explain, how to calculate the same duration as premiere with the data given from an exported finalcut pro xml?
Thanks a lot
Example ClipItem Node from exported xml:
<clipitem id="clipitem-13051" frameBlend="FALSE" premiereChannelType="stereo">
<file id="file-4999"/>
<name>Audio Levels</name>
<parameter authoringApp="PremierePro">
<name>Cross Fade (+3dB)</name>
<!-- Further clipitems -->