Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - Premiere Pro SDK
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Create Transparent Video


Hello, I am trying to figure out a way to use a script to generate Transparent Video files -- is there a way to do this? I am currently using the projectRoot.createSubclip command, but it would be a huge improvement to what I am trying to do if I could create a new Transparent Video clip instead of a Subclip.



How to import .mogrt ? [Scripting]




I have a .mogrt file made with Essential Graphics in Adobe After Effects 2018...

How can I import it to my existing project with scripting ?

I mean I want a code to put it in my .jsx file and I replace a path Then it imports the file into my time line.

Rightnow it works when I drag my .mogrt from Essential Graphics Window in premiere but I want to do it with scripting... ( Like ImportFile() )



Convert timecodes to seconds


Is there a method to convert timecode(hh:mm:ss:ff) to seconds ?


I'm trying to create a marker using markers.CreateMarker() method but for some reasons the supplied value in seconds doesn't match input timecodes.

For e.g. I have a timecode 00:03:00:00 on a 29.97fps(Non-drop frame). In order to convert it into seconds,


var a = time.split(':');

var seconds = ((Number(a[0])* 3600) + (Number(a[1]) * 60) + Number(a[2]));

var milliseconds = (Number(a[3])/ fps);   // fps is 29.97

var result = seconds + parseFloat(milliseconds,5); 


Result here is 180 seconds. Premiere shows this timecode as :


Non-Drop frame

In: 00:02:59:24 , which is 5 frames behind.


Drop frames gives me slightly better results

In: 00:02:59:28, which is 2 frames behind.

Please suggest.

CEP engine extension API to check for file existence


Hi All,


I am looking for an API (CEP FS) which checks a file is exist or not. I couldn't find such inside CEP fs library. I am referring to cep.fs object.


Note: I don't want to use JSX here as that would be asynchronous.



Premiere Pro version: 11.1.0

Extension Type: Panel



Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

Javascript API for premiere pro


Where i can find the javascript API link for Premiere pro. I want to change the Lumetri color parameters like Exposure, Contrast, HIghlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks and Saturation etc programmatically.





How to upload media file?




I would like to upload media file in s3 using Premiere Pro. extension.

For that, I have created one  Premiere Pro. extension.


I have used below code to upload media.


uploadOnS3 = function (data) {    console.log('uploadOnS3 called');    var AWS = require('aws-sdk');    AWS.config.update({          accessKeyId: "XXX",          secretAccessKey: "XXX"    });    var s3 = new AWS.S3();    var bucketName = 'flex-qa3';    var keyName = 'AA.mp4';    var params = {Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName, Body: data};    var options = {partSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, queueSize: 1};    s3.upload(params, options, function(err, data) {      console.log(err, data);    });

uploadFile = function () {
    console.log('uploadFile called');    var fsModule = 'fs';    var fs = require(fsModule);    // First I want to read the file    fs.readFile("D:/Projects/AA.mp4", function read(err, data) {          uploadOnS3(data);     });


I have added node js support in manifest.xml file in extension and I am using 'aws-sdk' for s3 upload.


<CEFCommandLine>   <Parameter>--enable-nodejs</Parameter>   <Parameter>--mixed-context</Parameter></CEFCommandLine>                                 



I can upload this file successfully on s3 but when I download this file and open with media player.

It couldn't play and it is corrupted.


Same code when I run with directly by node application without Premiere Pro. then it works and media file doesn't corrupt.


Same way when I download the file using 'FS' module in premiere pro then file corrupted and couldn't open in media player.

The Same code works outside the Premiere Pro. well.


Could you provide the proper way to upload and download media file?

Do I need to use any encoding type?

Are there any specific changes in Premiere Pro related to Buffer API and read/write related API?



Premier Pro. Version: 11.0

getCurrentPos for Clips ?


I need the ability to get the current playhead position for a source clip.

The reason why I need this is because I have external logs which I would like to push into clip markers.
But the external logs have a timecode-offset (logs-TC has an offset to clip-TC).


Envisioned workflow:
- Premiere PRO editor open extension pane and selects one log
- Then shuttles to the position in the clip which belongs to the log
- Then goes back to the extension pane, clicks a sync button
- Result: extension panel recalculates the TCs and imports the logs as markers

All I found is this for sequences:


Returns the position of the current time indicator (the position bar set by the user). If (-1) is returned, the position bar in the timeline is not present.

csSDK_int32 getCurrentPos(PrTimelineID timelineData);

timelineData - the timelineData of the current sequence

Thank you,

QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll




I have a question about Qt dll's. We createad a plugin for CS4 and CS5 using Nokia Qt 4.7.1 framework. It works fine, but we have to distibute our plugin with two dll's: QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll. We cannot put them next to .prm plugin file, because Premiere Pro will not try to find these dll's there - they should be in the same folder as "Adobe Premiere Pro.exe".  With CS4, we didn't have any problems with that, but we are having trouble with CS5. CS5 already has QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll, but they are old versions.

Our questions are - why does CS5 use Qt, for what purposes, and is it ok if we overwrite these dll's with new ones? Also, when we update PP CS5, it looks like it overwrites Qt dll's with old versions again. Is there any way to avoid it? Or is there any way to store and load dll's that we need from some other place (without using Qt static compilation, of course) ?


Thank you.

Looking for person who wrote RedStar3D Plug-in!

How to export by C++


Can you export from adobe premiere sdk project from my application C++

Where is the API Documentation for the Premiere Pro Panel SDK?


I see the links to the sample application and the getting started guide, but where is the actual SDK documentation?


Where is the documentation that describes the options of manifest.xml?

Where is the documentation for the the PPRO javascript API for the type of functions used in the sample application (ie: "$._ext_PPRO.importFiles()")

How about documentation for this global "__adobe_cep__" object that I see in CSInterface.js in the example?


Thank you

Delete sequence in Premiere Pro using ExtendScript


My work is almost done, but there is one simple question, how to delete the sequence using ExtendScript?

In my script I can clone it, rename, move new footages, pictures, wav's etc., but I can not delete it.

In Data Browser (ExtendScript) there's app.project.deleteSequence(), but what are the arguments for this function? I know about QE and I found just one thread about it (https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1977423?start=0&tstart=0), there's no answer how it works. For many years I'm waiting for the manual for Pr like an After Effects Scripting Guide=(

In my project there is a sequence I need to make a copy, create some footages and titles, then rename cloned sequence, export it as Premiere Pro project and delete from this one. Everything works perfect except the last one.

This is the part of code:


app.project.activeSequence.clone(); // create "old_seq copy" from "old_seq"
var nI = app.project.rootItem.children.numItems;
for (var i = 0; i < nI; i++)      {         if (app.project.rootItem.children[i].name == "old_seq copy")            {              var item = app.project.rootItem.children[i]                     item.name = "new_seq";             }       }
for (var i = 0; i < nI; i++)      {       if (app.project.rootItem.children[i].name == "new_seq")           {             app.project.deleteSequence(); //<--- this is just an example of the line, but how to delete "new_seq"?            }       }


I found nothing about it in PProPanel. Is it possible at all?

Thank you!

Getting duration out of pproTicksIn/pproTicksOut


Hi there


I’m trying to get the duration of a clip from an exported finalcut pro xml out of premiere pro cc. Somehow it seems my following calculation is wrong. TICKS_PER_SECOND is 254,016,000,000 (Source Post).


TimeInSec = (pproTicksOut / TICKS_PER_SECOND) – (pproTicksIn / TICKS_PER_SECOND)


With example data attached that results in TimeInSec = 37.32. Adobe Premiere shows duration for that clip of “00:00:36:20” (920 Frames).

Is someone able to explain, how to calculate the same duration as premiere with the data given from an exported finalcut pro xml?


Thanks a lot



Example ClipItem Node from exported xml:

<clipitem id="clipitem-13051" frameBlend="FALSE" premiereChannelType="stereo">















                <file id="file-4999"/>







                                                                <name>Audio Levels</name>





                                                                <parameter authoringApp="PremierePro">











































                                <name>Cross Fade (+3dB)</name>












<!-- Further clipitems -->

Focus Panel with Keyboard?


Is it possible to set up Premiere Pro to be able to switch to a target Panel or Extension? There are two interactions we have in mind for this:


  1. [Registerable?] Keyboard Command to open or focus a panel/extension.
  2. OS keyboard commands to switch to floating window.


It's really annoying to keep having to use the mouse to switch to a specific extension panel.


What's more, with respect to #2 (on macOS, at least), it seems that it's possible to use the built-in window-switching keyboard shortcut [⌘`] (command tick) to switch from a floating panel to the main application, but not back to the floating panel! Once the main app has context, it appears to swallow the command entirely...

Editing clips with ExtendScript


hello, you hardworking, knowledgeable people!


I desperately need to automate a big part of the editing process in Premiere.

For the next project we will be recording tons of footage, where the main action on video will be repeating with variations many many times. We then need to split the long recordings into separate chunks. I will be able bring in time markers, for where to make the cuts.

But I've hit a wall when trying to manipulate clips on the timeline with ExtendScript. I can read a bunch of info about the clip, e.g.:





(.seconds and .ticks)

But I'm unable to change any of those values. And the only functions I've found deal with selecting a clip i.e. isSelected() and setSelected()


Are there any ways to trim/cut/move, whatever, clips on the timeline using ExtedSctipt scripts, or am I badly out of luck?

And to finish off what I'm trying to do I'll need to do something like "Make Subsequence" with all of the cuts, to separate them into their own videos I can then export, again looking to automate this.


Many thanks!

how to add plugins from premiere pro sdk into adobe premiere pro


I have downloaded premiere pro sdk and want to get familiar with plugin development, so how do i use plugins from premiere pro sdk into premiere pro.

I don't know how to use those plugins in the premiere pro sdk.

I am using macBook pro(16GB RAM, 2.2 Ghz, intel core i7).

How to develop it using Xcode.

They have given a documentation on that but its poorly documented.

[Adobe Premiere Pro] Installed Extensions not Showing in Adobe Premiere


[Adobe Premiere Pro] Installed Extensions not Showing in Adobe Premiere


Hi all,


Complete Adobe-Development noob here -- so apologies in advanced for any confusion on my part.


I have a requirement for work to update an extension that someone else (who is no longer available) created for Adobe Premiere Pro.


To the limit of my knowledge, it was hosted on Adobe Exchange and ceased to work due to new released Premiere Pro versions. I am tasked with updating the extension to make it compatible with the newest Premiere Pro release (and hopefully just all versions if possible). The extension is just essentially an iFrame redirect to our web application, housed in an Adobe Premiere Pro panel. I plan to just update the versions and submit a "Patch" on Adobe Exchange with the new ZXP Package.



  1. I cannot see my "installed" extension in Adobe Premiere Pro when testing my ZXP changes -- the extension menu is grayed out / disabled.


Attempted Fix Process (learning to repackage the original ZXP file has been an epic journey):

  • I stripped the original ZXP package of the "mimetype" file and "META-INF" directory after learning those are generated after signing the package.

          ZXP Package Files.png

  • I edited the CSXS --> manifest.xml to provide (what I thought was) the minimum version supported (which I hoped would then just be compatible with all new versions)

               Manifest XML File - Updated.PNG

  • I signed the folder with ZXPSignCmd.exe -- this creates the new, signed ZXP file


  • I install the new ZXP package with ExManCmd.exe
    • Command: ExManCmd.exe /install com.MyExtension.zxp


  • I receive a successful extension installation result:
    • When installing the extension with ExManCmd.exe, the "com.MyExtension" extension folder is being placed in the following path:

      • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions

          Successful CMD Line Install of Extension.PNG


  • Unfortunately, I still do not see the installed extension (or any extensions) in Adobe Premiere Pro version: 11.1.2. The Extensions menu item is grayed out.

          Adobe Premiere Pro - No Extension Showing.png



  1. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance!

Export a sequence to a file or to AME.


How to export a sequence to a file or to AME?


Not sure how .exportAsMediaDirect() works. Any example please?

Timecode total frame count


Hey guys,


I was wondering if it would be possible to build something that would use or build upon the 'Timecode' Video Effect to show a total Frame Count of a clip. So say you have a title card that's 100 frames long. Currently if you apply the effect it would count up from 1-100 as you play through. I would like it just to show total of 100, then if I reduced the duration of the clip, say to 75 frames it would update and show 75 frames. Is something like this possible? Why I ask is because currently I have a workflow that requires at title card with a frame count on each shot, a single project could have hundreds of shots, so across numerous projects the act of just manually adjusting a title card can be rather time consuming.




Setting focus on an extension that is opened.


Using csInterface.requestOpenExtension() to call "sub-extensions" that are part of the main extension.


They open fine, except modal dialogs that are being created are not focusing on creation. Is there a way to focus them? Without this, the user has to click two or three times(on a button) to get the focus set on the extension. Most users aren't going to think to select the toolbar on the top of the window to set the focus.  I haven't found anything in the code or the sample extensions that leads me to believe there's a way with Adobe.


I know this is a more general question for extensions, but the Extension Builder forums are kind of dead, so I figured here was my best bet. Thanks.


This appears to be an issue on Windows only, on OSX, modal dialogs are already focused.

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