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What would it take to allow the visual contents of a Custom HTML panel to appear as a clip in a timeline?


Or any HTML content. Would love the ability to create an HTML file, format it 3840x2160 or 1920x1080, etc, give the body background-color an opacity of 0, and and run full HTML/CSS/JS directly in a timeline.  It's a little out there, but would be a great extra way of getting lower 3rds and any other info quickly, easily, dynamically into an edit.

Getting returned values from evalScript calls


I have a few functions that return bits of information from the JSX context to the panel JS so that they can be further processed there. One such function returns an array of times-in-seconds (Array<number>). I have verified with console.log that I do indeed get the results back. However, while I was expecting an Array<number> in the callback, the type of the value passed to the callback is string!


Is it possible to get objects in the callbacks or will everything simply be coerced to a string? If the latter, is there a suggested way to convert and then reconvert the data? (I looked but didn't see a JSON utility object/class in the JSX context to assist with this...)

Premiere Pro Programming language




What is the programming language Adobe used to develop Premiere Pro and where can I find information about how they developed it?

How to check given path isFile or isDirectory in jsx?




I want to check that given path is File or Directory in a jsx.


The 'isFileExist' function only check that path is exist or not in the file system.

I want to check it is 'folder' or 'file'


For example,

          path = 'd:/folder1' then isFile method should return 'false'

          path = 'd:/folder1/1.epr' then isFile method should return 'true'


How can I do that? I am using below code.

isFileExist : function(path) {    var file = new File(path);  return file.exists;

isFile : function(path) {
         //How can I check that path is 'file' or 'directory'?         


Premiere Pro version 11.0

Custom overlays and modifying Safe Margins?


Hi folks,

I had a quick question and haven't been able to find proper information when researching... but would creating custom overlays and modifying the safe margin be theoretically possible within the SDK? If so what approach would be taken to do so?


If there is documentation on creating things such as this, and I've missed it, I apologize for wasting your time - however pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated!


Thanks in advance.

Event Chaining


Hi community,


I need to understand what I'm conceptually doing wrong or what I'm confusing here.

This experiment is to test the chaining of events, so basically Event1 shall trigger Event2, which is split, so Event2 shall trigger Event3 and then finish. Sounds a bit weird when describing it that way, so here's the basic code:



<html>  <head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <script src="./lib/CSInterface.js"></script>    <script src="./lib/jquery.js"></script>    <script>    $(document).ready(function() {        $("#EventChain").on("click", function(e){            e.preventDefault();            var cs = new CSInterface();            var message = "Event Listeners created.\nLet's go!\n\n";            cs.addEventListener("Test.Event1", function(evt) {                message += evt.data + "\n\nEvent 2 to occur...\n\n";                $("#textarea").text(message);                // console.log(evt.data);                cs.evalScript('$._ext_ed.e_chain2("This is Event 2.")');            });            cs.addEventListener("Test.Event2", function(evt) {                message += evt.data + "\n\nEvent 3 to occur...\n\n";                $("#textarea").text(message);                // console.log(evt.data);                cs.evalScript('$._ext_ed.e_chain3("This is Event 3.")');            });            cs.addEventListener("Test.Event3", function(evt) {                message += evt.data + "\n\n";                $("#textarea").text(message);                // console.log(evt.data);                cs.removeEventListener("Test.Event1");                cs.removeEventListener("Test.Event2");                cs.removeEventListener("Test.Event3");            });            $("#textarea").text(message);            cs.evalScript('$._ext_ed.e_chain1("This is Event 1.")');        });    });    </script></head><body><header></header><section>  <button id="EventChain">EventChain</button><br/>  <textarea id="textarea" placeholder="Click the EventChain button!"></textarea></section><footer></footer></body></html>



try {    var xLib = new ExternalObject("lib:\PlugPlugExternalObject");
} catch (e) {    alert(e);

    dispatchEventCEP : function (_type, _payload) {        if (xLib) {            var eventObj = new CSXSEvent();            eventObj.type = _type;            eventObj.data = _payload;            eventObj.dispatch();        } else {            alert ("PlugPlugExternalObject not loaded.", true);                   }    },       e_chain1 : function (msg) {        alert ("Message \""+msg+"\" received.", false)        var eventType = "Test.Event1";        $._ext_ed.dispatchEventCEP(eventType, msg)    },       e_chain2 : function (msg) {        var eventType = "Test.Event2";        $._ext_ed.dispatchEventCEP(eventType, msg + "part one");        $.sleep(5000);        $._ext_ed.dispatchEventCEP(eventType, msg + "part two");    },       e_chain3 : function (msg) {        var eventType = "Test.Event3";        $._ext_ed.dispatchEventCEP(eventType, msg)    }



expected test result:

Event Listeners created.

Let's go!


This is Event 1.


Event 2 to occur...


This is Event 2.part one


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 3.


This is Event 2.part two


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 3.



actual test result:

Event Listeners created.

Let's go!


This is Event 1.


Event 2 to occur...


This is Event 2.part one


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 2.part two


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.



What's going on? Why is Event 3 not completely dispatched when Event 2 part one is obviously finished?


It gets even worse when I click the button once more:

Event Listeners created.

Let's go!


This is Event 1.


Event 2 to occur...


This is Event 2.part one


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 2.part two


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 2.part one


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 2.part two


Event 3 to occur...


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.


This is Event 3.


I'll try to find some useful reading on this myself but I'd appreciate useful comments!




how to get started with premiere scripting?


Hi. I'm an experienced web developer who's working on a project which requires some scripting in Premiere Pro.


My needs aren't highly complicated, and at first I thought "well this looks fine" seeing the CEP samples on github. Never have I have ever seen such bad bad horrible job of creating an API since trying to work with Microsoft's Outlook. There seems to be no manual or proper documentation for Premiere, furthermore, most (if not all? I didn't check) of the links on the github page are dead. Worse, some of the links are supposed to point at a file within that project - upon finding that file (in a different place) it turns out that even the intended lines the link points to are out of date.The official ESTK install links on Adobe's website are dead too, I only finally got it through the Creative Cloud - after enabling "show older apps" of course, which hasn't been a whole lot of help because it's debugging system is so ridiculously out of date. Oh also, some of the examples on github don't even run *as is*. There's no proper guide or quick-start tool, there's not even something like a REPL system that'll allow you to mess around and learn through that.


I need to run some really simple operations. I'm not asking for help with figuring out how to do them - I can do that on my own, provided I have some system that allows me to actually understand and learn without banging my head against the wall. Frankly, this is embarrassing and unprofessional from a company this big, and I don't understand it, but maybe someone on this community can point me in the right direction? I just need a way to start messing with this so I can actually learn how to use it.

Opencv and Premier Pro




I have designed a new process in Opencv.


Where do i start in creating a new plugin?


There is a wealth of information on using various Adobe applications, however, i cannot see much on creating a plugin from C++ source code. I'd like to get a proof of concept before signing up to and paying for a partner program.


Let's say we want to create a plugin that will alter a frame and apply an effect on each consecutive


Are there any tutorials?


Third-party plug-ins for Premiere Pro CC

Partner with Adobe

Technology Partners


Kind regards,



Not able to install panel after the Premiere pro CC 2018 upgrade


Hi All,


After the Premiere pro CC 2018 update our panel installation is not working.

We have been using the exmancmd command to install the panel.

After the upgrade the command line doesn't through any error, but the panel folder is not coming up in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions

We tried modifying the CSXSversion to 8, added <HostName="PPRO"Version="[9.0,12.9]"/> and added the PlayerDebugMode flag too.

But still the panel is not getting installed.

Our panel was working fine with Premiere pro cc 2017, so we installed the Premiere pro 2017 from - Download Creative Cloud apps

Then we installed the panel and the panel folder came under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions

and panel is appearing in Premiere pro CC 2017 and CC 2018.


Please suggest what can go wrong, when we have only Premiere pro CC 2018 installed.


Thanks and Regards,

Anoop NR

Steps to smart render in custom plugins



We've  developed custom importer and exporter plugins to support a video file format not directly supported by Premiere CC 2017-2018. The format uses separate AVI and  WAV files for each asset.


We want to support smart render to avoid unnecessary re-compression and speed up render.

What are the things we must be aware to support smart render?


Also we would like to create an "Editing mode" to allow video preview files be generated with our custom format.

What are the steps to create a new Editing mode?

Best regards,

Daniel Trullén

Waiting on a Bridgetalk call in ExtendScript from JavaScript


Hi All,


We have a flow where we need to do some work in PPro, then do some work in After Effects, then do some HTTP requests. From what I understand this flow should look something like

JS Panel -> Extendscript Call -> Bridgetalk Call -> JS Panel (for HTTP).

I can get the return value from the ExtendScript call in a callback in the JS panel. However I couldn't seem to find a way to await on the completion of the Bridgetalk call inside ExtendScript, which leads to the callback triggering before the AE work is done. Does a way exist? If not then is there a way to make a call to the JS context from within the ExtendScript context so that we can make the final JS call from the Bridgetalk callback?



Is it possible to place a imported clip to timeline by script or plug-in?


Is it possible to place a imported clip to timeline by script or plug-in?

I can't find any clue about controlling a clip on timeline.

Node Enabled by Default in 2017.1?


We've begun to take advantage of the Node integration in a Premiere Pro Panel. Based on the documentation, it seems as though CEP 7 supports the following two flags for the CEFCommandLine:


  1. --enable-nodejs - According to the documentation, this is disabled by default.
    • [Side Note: the CEP Cookbook PDF contains this Adobe-internal link for "Customize CEF Command Line Parameters".]
  2. --mixed-context - According to the documentation, this is disabled by default.


Before attempting to use any Node APIs, I enabled both of those in the manifest.xml for our panel and restarted Premiere Pro (2017.1). Everything worked great.


The documentation does not specify if the above two flags are interdependent or not. To test, I decided to remove both flags to ensure that I would get an "undefined" or some other error in our console output. Instead, I was surprised to find that the APIs worked without issue! It appears as though I'm currently able to use the Node integration without specifying any special CEFCommandLine flags!


What am I missing here?

TypeScript application and Webpack bundling


I'm looking to build an angular app (my enviroment is VS2017) with some libraries and having some difficulties with the appropriate configuration.

Can someone provide the minimum webpack config file which one should use, considering a TypeScript-based application is built and bundled?


I've looked at sberic's Node enabled post and think there're things that I misunderstood and have trouble to adjust to my setup.

I'm not sure how to configure webpack config file based on the above post, and when should it be used in the first place.



How to read extension version from manifest.xml file


Hi All,


I want to read "Version" attribute of an extension from manifest.xml file in my panel. Refer below xml snippet:


<ExtensionList>  <Extension Id="com.test.myExt" Version="1.0.1" /></ExtensionList>


I have referred Extension object from CSInterface but I couldn't find any property or method which provides Version value. Can anybody help me to get this?



Premiere Pro version: 11.0.1

Extension Type: Panel


Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

Adding cuts, adding effects to clips


Hi Bruce and other panel experts,


Thanks for all the support you provide on this forum and for the amazing progress that's been made in Premiere scripting over the last few updates! I had several scripting questions about a panel I’m hoping to write. I wanted to get a few answers about what's possible before I dive in too deep.


  1. I see that I can read and set keyframes on an effect that is already added to a clip (great new feature!). Is there a way to add an effect programmatically? What about an effect preset? Doesn’t seem like it, but I wanted to check.
  2. If I have an effect on a clip and the effect has been renamed, is there a way to read that new effect name in a script? I would have expected that's what displayName is for, but in my testing, it doesn't seem to change.
  3. Given a selected clip in a timeline, is there a way to add one or more edits at specified timecodes to it so it gets cut into multiple clips (equivalent to having a clip selected and going to Sequence>Add Edit)? Alternatively, if I could get the clip’s project item and edit it back into the timeline, that would work too. I didn’t think it was possible to edit a clip into the timeline, but in your answer to Rambutan a few threads down, you both seemed to imply that maybe it was...
  4. I can sort of fake all of the above by generating an FCP XML file of a new sequence containing the necessary clips and effects (what I do in my current workflow using a Ruby script that gets hand-imported), but once I bring that XML sequence into Premiere, again, I would need a way to programmatically edit it into the timeline (and be sure that “Insert and overwrite sequences as nests or individual clips” is set the way I need).
  5. Is there a way to access Photoshop information about a clip if it’s a PSD file? Specifically, I’m looking for the presence and properties of any guides that might be in the PSD. I know there’s a Javascript library that looks like it can parse this info out of PSD files, so that would be my plan B for this one.


Thanks in advance,


HDR video export from Media Encoder


OK, we've identified the problem.  It's something in Media Encoder (not Premiere).  So, if you:


1) make a media encoder job, and convert exr files to our format, then HDR export works fine.

2) if you do the exact same thing with an HDR video in media encoder, you do NOT get HDR export.

3) HOWEVER, if I take the same HDR video file, drop it into a Premiere project and then put it on the timeline, and then export THAT file, then we do get HDR pixels properly.


So, this appears to be a bug in Media Encoder and how it detects whether the input file is an HDR input or not.  Where do I file bugs?


This wasted a ton of time, btw - you need more information in the export record stuff, so we can see what ME/PPro *thinks* it's dumping out...

How do you move the play head to a specific marker position using extend script?


I would like to be able to move the play head to a specific marker from my panel, is this possible?

Javascript API to change Premiere Pro Lumetri color


Is there any Javascript API available to change the Premier Pro Lumetri Color programatically.

API for importing a subtitles file into Premiere



We are developing a plug-in for Premiere, that needs to import a srt file and add it to the sequence with the appropriate time codes.

We haven't found any example in the Premiere SDK documentation that shows how to do it.

We noticed that Premiere itself supports importing an Adobe Premiere Title (prtl) file. Is there any way to do it using the Premiere SDK?

We would appreciate any help or code sample on how to achieve this.



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