Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - Premiere Pro SDK
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Uniquely identify project item


Hello All,


Is there any way to uniquely identify each project item (e.g. by some Id) in premiere pro? We can't take project item name because premiere pro supports duplicate name.


Premiere Pro Version: 9.0.0
Extension Type: Panel


Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

How to check given path isFile or isDirectory in jsx?




I want to check that given path is File or Directory in a jsx.


The 'isFileExist' function only check that path is exist or not in the file system.

I want to check it is 'folder' or 'file'


For example,

          path = 'd:/folder1' then isFile method should return 'false'

          path = 'd:/folder1/1.epr' then isFile method should return 'true'


How can I do that? I am using below code.

isFileExist : function(path) {    var file = new File(path);  return file.exists;

isFile : function(path) {
         //How can I check that path is 'file' or 'directory'?         


Premiere Pro version 11.0

Moving from CEP7 to CEP8 will require changes to Node.js usage


[Apologies for broad distribution.]


Hello, potential CEP panel developers!


Changes to CEP's Node.js handling are required, between CEP7 and CEP8; this will break existing Node.js usage, in CEP extensions.


We apologize in advance for the breaking change; we wouldn't make these changes if they weren't required to maintain Adobe's security standards.


Good news: While CEP8 applications are not yet available, we can provide a good understanding of the required changes, today.


Attached are a migration guide, and additional details about Node.js enablement in various JavaScript contexts; the information you'll need to make your existing panels compatible with forthcoming CEP8 hosts.


If you'd like to test your panels in CEP8 applications, either reach out to your product team contacts, or go here to apply for pre-release access to applications which rely upon CEP8: https://www.adobeprerelease.com

how to get started with premiere scripting?


Hi. I'm an experienced web developer who's working on a project which requires some scripting in Premiere Pro.


My needs aren't highly complicated, and at first I thought "well this looks fine" seeing the CEP samples on github. Never have I have ever seen such bad bad horrible job of creating an API since trying to work with Microsoft's Outlook. There seems to be no manual or proper documentation for Premiere, furthermore, most (if not all? I didn't check) of the links on the github page are dead. Worse, some of the links are supposed to point at a file within that project - upon finding that file (in a different place) it turns out that even the intended lines the link points to are out of date.The official ESTK install links on Adobe's website are dead too, I only finally got it through the Creative Cloud - after enabling "show older apps" of course, which hasn't been a whole lot of help because it's debugging system is so ridiculously out of date. Oh also, some of the examples on github don't even run *as is*. There's no proper guide or quick-start tool, there's not even something like a REPL system that'll allow you to mess around and learn through that.


I need to run some really simple operations. I'm not asking for help with figuring out how to do them - I can do that on my own, provided I have some system that allows me to actually understand and learn without banging my head against the wall. Frankly, this is embarrassing and unprofessional from a company this big, and I don't understand it, but maybe someone on this community can point me in the right direction? I just need a way to start messing with this so I can actually learn how to use it.

Does PPRO deserve a complete 32bpc color pipline like AE?




i am learning a lot about 32bpc floating point processing and HDR

and now have this question about PPRO.


AE has a 32bpc color pipeline.  PPRO does not.


Todd Kopriva states from a thread in AE that




If you want to make a feature request for Premiere Pro to have a 32-bpc, high-dynamic-range color pipeline like After Effects, then you can submit a feature request. Be sure to articulate in your feature request why you think an NLE needs a complete 32-bpc, high-dynamic-range color pipeline. Usually, this is only considered important and useful for a compositing and visual effects application, and not as much for an NLE




and to be honest, i don't know whether  NLEs like PPRO should or should not have a COMPLETE 32bpc pipeline.


i would think the more complete the better, unless someone in this forum can explain otherwise.


it probably is more expensive to have PPRO have a COMPLETE 32bpc color pipeline is the only thing i can think of myself.



this situation seems analogous to audio recording:  mix in 24bit, mix down to 16bit...


any advice / info would be appreciated





Multi-Frame Averaging Filter


I have a filter which requires a history of frames to compute the result (sort of like averaging). I've implemented it using C++ and now I would like to use Adobe Premiere as a frontend. Is this possible? As far as I can tell, filters must be single frame in, single frame out. Is it possible to implement a more stateful filter?

HTML5 Panel passing JSON data to javascript


Hi Bruce,


I will soon be working on an HTML5 panel that will be receiving some JSON data through a URL call.

Is there a way to pass this JSON data to the javascript portion of the panel, so I can access all the objects?




File Importer no decompressing PrPixelFormat_PALDV100_1080i frames


I am developing a file importer plugin using SDK 2015 over Premiere Pro CC 2017, and I'm finding problems decompressing some DV frame formats. Using PrPixelFormat_YUYV_422_8u_601, PrPixelFormat_YUYV_422_8u_709, PrPixelFormat_ARGB_4444_8uPrPixelFormat_PALDV25 or PrPixelFormat_PALDV50 everything works fine. The problems arise when Premiere asks for PrPixelFormat_PALDV100_1080iframes. In this case, the behavior of Premiere is as follows:


WindowBehaviourHeader 3
Project windowScrubbing the source clip and sequences containing the source clip work. When the video is double clicked to be opened on the preview window, the clip becomes a green square (as if the frame was not being decompressed)
Preview windowScrubbing or playing the video just shows a green square
Media exportDepending on the output format, video is shown and rendered correctly or not shown at all


The same code is working perfectly for DV and DV50 frames, so does anyone know what's the difference with DV100? Should I do something different?

Marker Name and Comments not working in Premiere pro 2018


Hi All,


The Markers created from script is not able to assign the Name and Comments to the marker in Premiere pro 2018,

This is working fine in premiere pro 2017. Markers are created, but no name and comments


Here is the sample code from github


if (projectItem.type == ProjectItemType.CLIP ||

projectItem.type == ProjectItemType.FILE) {

markers = projectItem.getMarkers();

if (markers) {

var num_markers = markers.numMarkers;

var new_marker = markers.createMarker(1.345);

var guid = new_marker.guid; // new in 11.1

new_marker.name = 'Marker created by PProPanel.';

new_marker.comments = 'Here are some comments, inserted by PProPanel.';

new_marker.end = 2.6789;




Anyone else facing the same problem?


Thanks and Regards,

Anoop NR

Extendscript reference for Premiere Pro CC 2014




I am trying to develop an extension for Premiere Pro CC 2014 using CEF & CEP and am having trouble finding information about the available APIs in Extendscript.

While I have with some trial and error been able to find some objects and methods using the ExtendScript Toolkit Data Browser, I can't see what arguments the methods accept so I don't know how to call them.


Is there any reference or documentation available the Extendscript API for Premiere Pro CC 2014?


In particular, I am looking for any documentation for the render- and export- methods of the sequence object, as well as any information accessing presets.



Adding (unsupported) keyboard shortcuts to Premiere Pro?


A few months ago, I created a 30-minute video that goes into great detail about all sorts of missing features in Premiere Pro. Some of these features have been requested by users for over ten years, and still have not made it into Premiere... features like saving a custom transition, a shortcut to delete transitions from the timeline, a shortcut to add a keyframe.... the list goes on.


You can watch my video, or you can just read the video description to see a quick list of the 57 missing features that I talk about.


Adobe Premiere CC 2014.2 massive feature request video! (1/2) - YouTube


I mention in the video that modding Premiere may be the only way to get these features into the program, as long as the developers refuse to add these features for whatever their reasons might be.

I am particularly interested in adding unsupported keyboard shortcuts, as it seems like the easiest thing to do, with the greatest benefit. Here's a list of the features I am hoping to add in by myself:


#1. Every transition should have a keyboard shortcut to apply it

#3. Allow keyboard shortcuts to apply all PRESETS, EFFECTS, TRANSITIONS, and (new) TRANSITION PRESETS

#5. A shortcut to delete (only) transitions

#6. A shortcut to reverse a clip -- (This can be done with AutoHotKey)

#7. Shortcuts for the keyframe right click menu items

#8. Shortcuts for all "effect controls" buttons

#9. Shortcuts for layer controls in timeline (mute, lock, etc.)

#11. A shortcut to just PLAY video

#12. A shortcut to ripple delete clip at playhead -- (This can be done with AutoHotKey)

#14. Effects panel search bar shortcut -- (This can be done with a crazy macro script, but still does not work 100% of the time)

#16. A shortcut to close the reference monitor

#17. A shortcut to close the titler

#18. A shortcut for "back" in bin icon view


So, I downloaded the plug-in software SDK from here: Premiere Pro Developer Center | Adobe Developer Connection ... but frankly, I have very limited programming experience. (Dammit Jim, I'm an editor, not a programmer!) Reading through the documents, however, I don't see ANYTHING that even mentions the words "keyboard" or "shortcut..."


It's looking to me as if the SDK only has support for creating new transitions to be used in Premiere, and creating new effects like the Red Giant denoiser. Am I right? am I wrong?


Is it POSSIBLE to use the SDK to add any of these keyboard shortcuts to Premiere? I don't care how difficult it is. (unless it involves having to decompile the whole program into machine code, which I still might be mad enough to at least try.)


I am determined to get these long-overdue keyboard shortcuts into Premiere. I just need to know if it's possible. If it is, I'd greatly appreciate any and all guidance you could give me to make this happen.


Thank You,

Taran van Hemert

2-year editor at LMG

Status Window while ExtendScript is running?


Hi there,

is there any chance of letting the user know what my scripts are doing at the moment?

I'm writing a custom importer and in some cases it my take some seconds until you see the result. A "please wait"-Window or something would help... but I can't figure out how to open and close a new panel.




Adobe Premiere SDK (API) Developer (Freelancer) wanted


I know this might be off-topic as it is no technical question related to the SDK.
But is has been not easy for me to find an Adobe Premiere SDK (API) Developer (Freelancer) on the freelance platforms I know.


The goal of this project is to build an extension panel.

Must have features are


The goal of this project is to investigate if the envisioned user journey can be accomplished.
We will provide you with

  • user interface mockups
  • a flow chart diagram


What we expect (outcome of the project):

  • a Yes | No statement if the Adobe Premiere SDK provides what we need
  • if yes: Which API calls should be used
  • if yes: we would like to proceed with building the panel. If you want to do the C++ part only - no problem - we have a HTML5 developer who could do the UI part


If you are interested then please click on my profile and send me a message,


Markers API broken in CC2018


Both clip and sequence markers are not being added correctly.






are all broken and data is not shown in the UI... Looking on the bright side, at least the marker start time is working :-)


So what happened?

ExtendScript Toolkit and Premiere Pro?


I'm just starting to dive into Premiere Pro extension development and I'm finding it difficult to get a firm grasp on the environment. I get that there are two DOMs to deal with Application/ExtendScript (jsx) and HTML (js). Cool. However, I'm having a tough time figuring out how to really examine the environment. I've configured my environment to debug HTML DOM stuff that I try but I'm not quite sure how to debug the Application/ExtendScript stuff.


Any pointers?

Including Multiple JSX Scripts


I've encountered three methods:

  1. //@include path/to/file-to-include.jsx
  2. #include path/to/file-to-include.jsx
  3. $.evalFile("path/to/file-to-include.jsx");


Some questions:

  1. Is having multiple <ScriptPath> elements in the manifest file supported?
  2. What is the recommended way to include multiple JSX scripts?
  3. Where can I learn more about the ExtendScript environment - features beyond the standard ECMAScript implementation (e.g. this include stuff)?

Import XML programmatically




Is there an api to import an XML via extendscript?




determine Windows drive letters and labels


Hi everyone,


currently I'm a bit stuck trying to find a clean and efficient way to determine and re-map a Windows drive letter to a Mac OS path, e.g.

"file://localhost/D:/Media/Card01/Clip01.mov" should end up as "file://localhost/Volumes/VideoDrive/Media/Card01/Clip01.mov" (if VideoDrive is the D: volume name).


I tried wmic which fails because it seems that I can only pass 2 arguments to window.cep.createProcess() where in this case I would need 4 (cmd line is "wmic logicalvolume get caption,volumename") --- which is a bit strange b/c the createProcess header does not suggest the argument count was limited to 2, but maybe the implementation is (?). (Of course I could use less parameters for wmic, but then I'd have to do a lot of filtering to get what I need. Not an option.)


The other approach was to use create.process.stdin(pID,'vol\ D:') after creating a cmd.exe process, but there I wasn't able to catch the respective stdout (only returns the initial cmd stdout).


Any ideas? Hint: I need to solve this without using node.js or other "3rd party" framworks.



Looking to Activate Custom Panels via Keyboard Shortcut + Keyboard Listeners when Panel is Active


This may well a couple of feature requests, but looking forward to getting some feedback...


In the interest of building more robust and flexible custom HTML panels, we were looking for ways to achieve the following:

1 - Activate and give focus to a custom panel via keyboard shortcut.

2 - Once activated and in focus that custom panel's key listeners (keystroke, keyup, keydown) can be coded to either take precedent over PPro's keyboard shortcuts or not.


The goal is to get the above two to work in concert so as to create workflows that would allow 100% keyboard driven functionalities, along the lines of:

- Call the Custom Panel via PPro shortcut

- Run the Panel's function (or suite of functionalities) via keystrokes

- Release control back to PPro and Return to regular PPro kb by exiting Panel focus

Imagine rapid fire: keystroke to activate, use, and release.


So far we've been unable to do this.


A - Haven't found a way or workaround to assign the ability to open & give focus to a custom panel via keyboard shortcut

B - Haven't found a way to make custom panel key listeners reliably detect keystrokes even when they are in focus..


So far we've tried by way of the CSInterface binding listed here:


and via standard HTML5/JS bindings

document.body.addEventListener / document.addEventListener.


Occasionally they work, but not reliably.


We're on Mac OS

TypeScript application and Webpack bundling


I'm looking to build an angular app (my enviroment is VS2017) with some libraries and having some difficulties with the appropriate configuration.

Can someone provide the minimum webpack config file which one should use, considering a TypeScript-based application is built and bundled?


I've looked at sberic's Node enabled post and think there're things that I misunderstood and have trouble to adjust to my setup.

I'm not sure how to configure webpack config file based on the above post, and when should it be used in the first place.



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