Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - Premiere Pro SDK
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ExtendScripts JSON object is suddenly undefined?


I've been passing data pretty fluently back and forth between a custom HTML5 panel and ExtendScript, making use of JSON.stringify


All of a sudden, today the JSON object is coming up as undefined in the ExtendScript context.

I know it has worked, and now it doesn't.  Why on earth?!

Adding cuts, adding effects to clips


Hi Bruce and other panel experts,


Thanks for all the support you provide on this forum and for the amazing progress that's been made in Premiere scripting over the last few updates! I had several scripting questions about a panel I’m hoping to write. I wanted to get a few answers about what's possible before I dive in too deep.


  1. I see that I can read and set keyframes on an effect that is already added to a clip (great new feature!). Is there a way to add an effect programmatically? What about an effect preset? Doesn’t seem like it, but I wanted to check.
  2. If I have an effect on a clip and the effect has been renamed, is there a way to read that new effect name in a script? I would have expected that's what displayName is for, but in my testing, it doesn't seem to change.
  3. Given a selected clip in a timeline, is there a way to add one or more edits at specified timecodes to it so it gets cut into multiple clips (equivalent to having a clip selected and going to Sequence>Add Edit)? Alternatively, if I could get the clip’s project item and edit it back into the timeline, that would work too. I didn’t think it was possible to edit a clip into the timeline, but in your answer to Rambutan a few threads down, you both seemed to imply that maybe it was...
  4. I can sort of fake all of the above by generating an FCP XML file of a new sequence containing the necessary clips and effects (what I do in my current workflow using a Ruby script that gets hand-imported), but once I bring that XML sequence into Premiere, again, I would need a way to programmatically edit it into the timeline (and be sure that “Insert and overwrite sequences as nests or individual clips” is set the way I need).
  5. Is there a way to access Photoshop information about a clip if it’s a PSD file? Specifically, I’m looking for the presence and properties of any guides that might be in the PSD. I know there’s a Javascript library that looks like it can parse this info out of PSD files, so that would be my plan B for this one.


Thanks in advance,


Premiere Pro ExtendScript server request




is it possible to create a new Socket through ExtendScript JSX in Premiere Pro? I need it to receive a JSON answer. I want to secure the code of the request by a JSXBIN, that's why I want to use ExtendScript. Maybe it is possible in different way?

How to access showSaveDialogEx()?




I guess this question is a bit silly, but I'm a silly person (some say ;-)).

I've been trying for some hours to make use of the showSaveDialogEx() function, but without success... can someone please point me in the right direction?

For me somtething like CSInterface.showSaveDialog(params) is not working, and var x = window.cep.fs.showSaveDialog(params) also doesn't lead anywhere.

I'm (hopefully) using the CSInterface.js shipped with the latest PPro panel, but this doesn't seem to be the breaking point...



determine Windows drive letters and labels


Hi everyone,


currently I'm a bit stuck trying to find a clean and efficient way to determine and re-map a Windows drive letter to a Mac OS path, e.g.

"file://localhost/D:/Media/Card01/Clip01.mov" should end up as "file://localhost/Volumes/VideoDrive/Media/Card01/Clip01.mov" (if VideoDrive is the D: volume name).


I tried wmic which fails because it seems that I can only pass 2 arguments to window.cep.createProcess() where in this case I would need 4 (cmd line is "wmic logicalvolume get caption,volumename") --- which is a bit strange b/c the createProcess header does not suggest the argument count was limited to 2, but maybe the implementation is (?). (Of course I could use less parameters for wmic, but then I'd have to do a lot of filtering to get what I need. Not an option.)


The other approach was to use create.process.stdin(pID,'vol\ D:') after creating a cmd.exe process, but there I wasn't able to catch the respective stdout (only returns the initial cmd stdout).


Any ideas? Hint: I need to solve this without using node.js or other "3rd party" framworks.



Usage of CEFCommandLine parameters


Hi All,


Can someone explain use of below two CEF command line parameters in manifest.xml?

(1) --allow-file-access

(2) --allow-file-access-from-files


Premiere Pro version: 11.1.0

Extension Type: Panel



Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

How can I open a local folder view by clicking on a link


Hello All,


Is there any way to open a local folder (file explorer not a file chooser) from a link in a premiere pro panel? Is this possible using cep API?


Premiere Pro version: 11.1.0

Extension Type: Panel


Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

How to identify the MXF-OP Atom files in a Premiere project


Hi All,


Is there any way we can go through a large project and find the MXF-OP Atom files in that project?

Is there any way to get the codec/wrapper details of the files in a Premiere project?

We are trying to achieve this using our HTML5-CEP based panel.


Thanks and Regards,

Anoop NR

Importing images as a sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro using extendscript


So I've been looking around and trying to find a way of importing image sequences in Adobe Premiere Pro using extendscript.

I can import separate single files using: app.project.importFiles(new Folder(folder_path));

But I can't give an option of importing these images as a sequence.

I tried using opts = new ImportOptions(new File("path_to_image")); opts.sequence = true; and calling this within app.project.importFiles(opts) but Premiere doesn't seem to support ImportOptions, I keep getting an error stating "Import Options does not have a constructor"....

I'm assuming Premiere Pro doesn't support ImportOptions?

Is there any other way of importing an image sequence using app.project.importFiles?


Problems with plugins .bundle from Premiere Pro SDK for macOS


Hi all,


I am using:

SDK - Premiere Pro CC 2017.1

Program - Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017.1

OS - macOS Sierra


After compile Vignette plugin from Premiere Pro SDK, it is not load to Premiere. But Premiere founded this plugin.

In log file: "No loaders recognized this plugin, so the plugin is set to ignore."


Pasted File at August 17, 2017 5-40 PM.png


Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Please, help me.

New UI font in CC 2018


Which font is being used now? Same or different across macOS and Windows?

Importer - basic question


Hello All,


Referring to the Premiere Pro SDK documentation covering Importers, the first line of the chapter reads:


"Importers provide video and/or audio from the media source. This source can be a single file, a

set of files, a communication link between another application, etc"


Then the imOpenFile8 selector says:


"Importers that don’t open their own files, or importers that only open a single file should

not use this suite."


I'm probably mistaken, but the two statements appear to be conflicting, creating some confusion for me.  We intend to build a standard Importer plugin that creates a communication link between another application and as such will not be explicitly opening files.  The example provided is great start, but I need more help.


Here's my question:

Assuming our plugin sets imImportInfoRec.canOpen to false as I think it should when it creates a communication link with another application, can someone please explain how a standard importer is interfaced with when importing? If possible, I would also like to know the sequence of calls.


Thank you,


Create Premiere project programmatically




In order to better integrate my app with Adobe Premiere, I would like the ability to create a Premiere project and populate it with certain clips.


Sony Vegas, for example, allows to pass by command line a script, which can do everything I need. However, I can't think of a way to do this with Premiere.


I think I could have an empty project to copy it whenever I need, and then have the user load the required clips through a Panel action, but I would prefer to do it in one step.


Is this possible at all?


I don't think the "Importer API" is really related, but I'm checking it just in case.


Best regards.

Keyboard Shortcut Conflicts


Is there a way to override Premiere Pro shortcuts when your custom CEP Panel is in focus? For instance, I'm trying to get the Cmd+Z and Cmd+Shift+Z shortcut for a text field in my panel, but it keeps triggering the Premiere Pro undo command instead.


  $("#editor").on("keyup", function(e){       e.preventDefault();       if(e.keyCode == 91 && e.keyCode == 90)       {       undoEdit();       }  });


I know the code works since I tested it with each key individually, and I believe e.preventDefault() is supposed to allow this, but it's not working in my case. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!

Execute a system command in windows environment as administrator


Hi All,


Is there a way to execute system commands using the C:/windows/system32/cmd.exe from panels?

We tried the CEP HTML test Extension-> Create Process options, but cannot figure out how it is working

When we try to run the commands under set StdErr Handler but that is always creating ".exe Argument1" folder in the document folder.


How can we execute system commands in windows environment?

How can we run certain commands/ programme  as a specific user?


Thanks and Regards,

Anoop NR

getCurrentPos for Clips ?


I need the ability to get the current playhead position for a source clip.

The reason why I need this is because I have external logs which I would like to push into clip markers.
But the external logs have a timecode-offset (logs-TC has an offset to clip-TC).


Envisioned workflow:
- Premiere PRO editor open extension pane and selects one log
- Then shuttles to the position in the clip which belongs to the log
- Then goes back to the extension pane, clicks a sync button
- Result: extension panel recalculates the TCs and imports the logs as markers

All I found is this for sequences:


Returns the position of the current time indicator (the position bar set by the user). If (-1) is returned, the position bar in the timeline is not present.

csSDK_int32 getCurrentPos(PrTimelineID timelineData);

timelineData - the timelineData of the current sequence

Thank you,

cs4 plugin install path



I have a question  about premiere pro plugin installation. In the docs it says that


On  Windows, the common plug-in path can be found in the registry in the  following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Adobe/Premiere  Pro/CurrentVersion/Plug-InsDir


however, when I browse my  registry, there is no key "Adobe"  under "Software". I uninstalled and  reinstalled Premiere Pro to be sure that it is not my install screw up.  It is still missing after I did complete uninstall and installed  Premiere Pro again. To be more specific, I only installed Premiere Pro  and programs that it depends on, if that is important. Can you guys  confirm that that registry entry is created during adobe install?



let's  assume that key "Plug-InsDir" exists in registry. Would the plugin path  be in (Default) string value or another string value under the same  key? What's the name of that string value if it is not in default string  value?


Thank you,


AWS S3: Download media file get corrupted


Hi All,


I am trying to download media file (image or video) from AWS S3 using nodejsaws-sdk module. The file is downloaded but I couldn't open as it looks corrupted. Also noted that file size is not same as source file. Refer below code:



var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

var options = {
accessKeyId: "XXX",
secretAccessKey: "XXX"
var s3 = new AWS.S3(options);

var bucketName = 'test-bucket';
var keyName = 'test.jpg';
var params = {Bucket: bucketName, Key: keyName};

var fsModule = "fs";
var fs = require(fsModule);

// This requires when running this code in panel
AWS.util.stream = require('stream');

var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('D:/test.jpg');
var readStream = s3.getObject(params).createReadStream();



I have added aws-sdk node module in my extension folder.


(1) I can download and open txt file without any issue
(2) If I run this code outside panel context (run in local nodejs server) it works for all type of files including text and media!!



Premiere Pro version: 9.0.0
Extension Type: Panel


Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

[Adobe Premiere Pro] Installed Extensions not Showing in Adobe Premiere


[Adobe Premiere Pro] Installed Extensions not Showing in Adobe Premiere


Hi all,


Complete Adobe-Development noob here -- so apologies in advanced for any confusion on my part.


I have a requirement for work to update an extension that someone else (who is no longer available) created for Adobe Premiere Pro.


To the limit of my knowledge, it was hosted on Adobe Exchange and ceased to work due to new released Premiere Pro versions. I am tasked with updating the extension to make it compatible with the newest Premiere Pro release (and hopefully just all versions if possible). The extension is just essentially an iFrame redirect to our web application, housed in an Adobe Premiere Pro panel. I plan to just update the versions and submit a "Patch" on Adobe Exchange with the new ZXP Package.



  1. I cannot see my "installed" extension in Adobe Premiere Pro when testing my ZXP changes -- the extension menu is grayed out / disabled.


Attempted Fix Process (learning to repackage the original ZXP file has been an epic journey):

  • I stripped the original ZXP package of the "mimetype" file and "META-INF" directory after learning those are generated after signing the package.

          ZXP Package Files.png

  • I edited the CSXS --> manifest.xml to provide (what I thought was) the minimum version supported (which I hoped would then just be compatible with all new versions)

               Manifest XML File - Updated.PNG

  • I signed the folder with ZXPSignCmd.exe -- this creates the new, signed ZXP file


  • I install the new ZXP package with ExManCmd.exe
    • Command: ExManCmd.exe /install com.MyExtension.zxp


  • I receive a successful extension installation result:

          Successful CMD Line Install of Extension.PNG


  • Unfortunately, I still do not see the installed extension (or any extensions) in Adobe Premiere Pro version: 11.1.2

          Adobe Premiere Pro - No Extension Showing.png



  1. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong? Ha I feel like I've exhausted all my options / internet-hunting / knowledge power here.




  • When installing the extension with ExManCmd.exe, the "com.MyExtension" extension folder is being placed in the following path:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions

Premiere Pro SDK Audio Buffers


Hi all! I'm trying to work with my audio channels and buffers using the PrSDKAudioSuite, which tells me this:


// All audio calls to and from Premiere use arrays of buffers of 32-bit
// floats to pass audio. Therefore all audio is not interleaved by channel.
// So stereo audio looks like this:
// float* audio[2];
// where audio[0] is the address of a buffer N samples long and audio[1]
// is the address of a second buffer N samples long. audio[0] contains
// the left channel and audio[1] contains the right channel. N is called
// the number of "sample frames" in the buffer. N will be the same no matter
// how many channels of audio are present in the buffer.
// Because we use 32-bit floats for each audio sample, we can represent
// values above 0 dB during mixing. 0 dB corresponds to +/- 1.0 in the floating
// point. For symmetry in the int <--> float conversions, it is recommended
// you use the utility functions below.  For example if you want to convert
// a single float to a 16-bit signed int, use ConvertAndInterleaveTo16BitInteger()
// with 1 channel and one sample frame.


I do have the buffers as the float, but they all seem to stay NULL. Is there something i'm missing or doing wrong? Hope somebody can point me into the right direction.


Thank you,

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