AudioUnit/VST plug-in crashing in Audition CS6
Hello, I am currently developing an audio effect plug-in on Mac, which supports both VST/AudioUnit formats. I am trying to get the plug-in to work correctly in Audition CS6, but I am witnessing some...
View ArticleHello, new to Premier Pro CC; from FCPX and & 7. Trying to link a script to a clip but metadata says <not editable> How do I change this??
View ArticleGetting the sequence name when using Export Controller
I'm building a plugin based on the Export Controller example and I need to get the name of the sequence being exported. I'd assumed it would be available from the Sequence Info Suite, but it doesn't...
View ArticleNone of the SDK Examples are Compiling in Xcode ???
Hi.... I have just downloaded the PPRO CC SDK - I am trying the examples but NONE of them are compiling... REZ Error 3 etc etc etc - Missing Headers and what not Is this for real ???? -- BestMorten
View ArticleTrouble with Exporter Utility Suite
Hello. I have a trouble in my exporter using Exporter Utility Suite. If i place in the sequence a videoclip that is shorter than audioclip, Exporter Utility Suite only render videoclip frames, empty...
View ArticleExtension Builder 2.1 and CC 2014
Hello, we've trying to make our 2.1 extensions available to CC 2014, following the tutorial available at Adobe Extension Builder and Creative Cloud 2014. The problem is that after having installed...
View Articleqe.project.numSequences and qe.project.getSequenceAt(i) is not match
Hi, I am currently developing adobe premiere plugin to import, edit, and export clip.When i have more than 1 sequence and perform export operation, I will try to get number of sequences and loop...
View ArticleBest way to implement placeholder graphic that is replaced later
Hi, What is the best way to go about implementing the following functionality?-User initiates to add a "placeholder" image to the timeline. As part of this process, the user is directed to a website...
View ArticleHow to Export timeline work area not entire timeline
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sExportControllerSuitePtr->ExportFile(timelineInfo->mModuleID, timelineInfo->mTimelineID, &ecExportRec) It exports the entire timelien, but i want to export only...
View ArticleIs it possible to add a clip to a sequence using ExtendScript?
My job consists of making videos that follow a very specific format: add the interview clip, add the opener, lower third, outro music, copyright, make sure the audio levels are good, add a Dynamics...
View ArticleScripting for Premiere Pro CC / Premiere Pro CC 2014
Using Extendscript Toolkit I've found that it can possible to scripting for Premiere Pro CC and Premiere Pro CC 2014, but my question is: Why Adobe don't provide any relative scripting guide?? (It's...
View ArticleCreative Cloud Launch Event
It’s starting now at if you’re interested in watching the rollout. Cheers, Zac
View ArticlePremier Pro Plug In Using the After Effects API
Hello,According to the SDK you say the After Effects API should be used in order to create Effects type of Plug In's for Adobe Premier. We developed several AE plug in's (Effects) based on the CS6 SDK...
View ArticleAdobe Media Encoder Script
I've already used script (JavaScript) in Premier, After Effects and Photoshop to help manage our in house workflow and projects and would like to be able to setup some scripts for AME but I'm...
View ArticlePremiere Pro CS4 SDK - Exporter plugin
Premiere Pro CS4 SDK Hello,I ran sample exporter project from CS4 SDK and it never seems to reach "exSelExport" case in the plugin's main entry point. Instead, after clicking "OK" in exporter window,...
View ArticlePlugin Loading Problems During Debug
Hi Zac, I am going in the opposite direction this time. I have our new MOV importer for CS5 working on the Mac and am now porting it over to Windows - but am running into a seemingly impenetrable...
View Articlewhat is meaning of following code
Hi All, I am working on transitiom plug-in for premiere pro cs3 ,using premiere pro cs3 SDK. while learning i am not get understand the following code, where will be use and what will be function...
View ArticleDummy importer
Hi folks, I'm trying to write a dummy importer that would essentially only put a file pointer in the project for reference and archival purposes, like FCP XML translations results text file which gets...
View ArticleGetting the sequence project resolution and framerate
Im on a ExportController sample project, how can i get that values, , resolution width, resolution height and framerate ?
View ArticleWhy is Src and Dst memory not pinned?
I just completed my first video filter that is CUDA accelerated using the Premiere Pro SDK for CS6 and CC7. If suitable CUDA hardware is available, it use it, but if not then it uses a multithreaded...
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