Hi All,
I am working on transitiom plug-in for premiere pro cs3 ,using premiere pro cs3 SDK.
while learning i am not get understand the following code, where will be use and what will be function of this code
also, did not understand the code which is mark below in the red.
static prMALError Execute(EffectHandle theData)
prMALError result = esNoErr;
prRect bounds = {0,0,0,0};
PPixHand destPPH = ((*theData)->destination);
SPBasicSuite *SPBasic = NULL;
PrSDKPPixSuite *PPixSuite = NULL;
float transitionProgress = 0.0f;
PrPixelFormat pixelFormat = PrPixelFormat_Invalid;
prBool **specsH = reinterpret_cast<prBool **>((*theData)->specsHandle);
if (specsH == NULL)
// If specsH has not been initialized and is NULL, render with the default settings
// Render using user-controlled setting
((*theData)->piSuites->ppixFuncs->ppixGetBounds)((*theData)->destination, &bounds);
// Sample code - not really necessary for the functionality of this plug-in
DemoUsingInstanceData(theData, &(*theData)->instanceData);
DemoUsingCallback(theData, bounds);
// Get pixel format of PPix
SPBasic = (*theData)->piSuites->utilFuncs->getSPBasicSuite ();
if (SPBasic)
SPBasic->AcquireSuite (kPrSDKPPixSuite, kPrSDKPPixSuiteVersion, (const void**)&PPixSuite);
if (PPixSuite)
PPixSuite->GetPixelFormat (destPPH, &pixelFormat);
SPBasic->ReleaseSuite (kPrSDKPPixSuite, kPrSDKPPixSuiteVersion);
transitionProgress = (float)(*theData)->part / (float)(*theData)->total;
// Render the transition
RenderDissolve(theData, &bounds, pixelFormat, transitionProgress);
return result;
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