Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - Premiere Pro SDK
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Moving from CEP7 to CEP8 will require changes to Node.js usage


[Apologies for broad distribution.]


Hello, potential CEP panel developers!


Changes to CEP's Node.js handling are required, between CEP7 and CEP8; this will break existing Node.js usage, in CEP extensions.


We apologize in advance for the breaking change; we wouldn't make these changes if they weren't required to maintain Adobe's security standards.


Good news: While CEP8 applications are not yet available, we can provide a good understanding of the required changes, today.


Attached are a migration guide, and additional details about Node.js enablement in various JavaScript contexts; the information you'll need to make your existing panels compatible with forthcoming CEP8 hosts.


If you'd like to test your panels in CEP8 applications, either reach out to your product team contacts, or go here to apply for pre-release access to applications which rely upon CEP8: https://www.adobeprerelease.com

[BUG] Premiere Pro CC 2018 Panel Background is White


We just installed Premiere Pro CC 2018 to test our extension in the latest version. One immediately noticeable difference was that the background of the Extension's content is pure-white. After some investigating, we found that the default background-color was transparent (alpha = 0), allowing the panel's backing color to shine through. This worked in previous versions of Premiere Pro. It was nice because the user's color settings in the panel were handled automatically.


With CC 2018, all extensions will now need some sort of color handling of their own, akin to what the PProPanel does, including theme change event handling.


It would be preferable to have the background color be the same as the actual application's theme color as in previous application versions.

Timecode total frame count


Hey guys,


I was wondering if it would be possible to build something that would use or build upon the 'Timecode' Video Effect to show a total Frame Count of a clip. So say you have a title card that's 100 frames long. Currently if you apply the effect it would count up from 1-100 as you play through. I would like it just to show total of 100, then if I reduced the duration of the clip, say to 75 frames it would update and show 75 frames. Is something like this possible? Why I ask is because currently I have a workflow that requires at title card with a frame count on each shot, a single project could have hundreds of shots, so across numerous projects the act of just manually adjusting a title card can be rather time consuming.




Recording all actions taken in Adobe Premiere


Is there a way to record the actions that the user takes as they are doing it and write the output to another file?



PProPanel sample updated for 11.0 (CC 2017)




New stuff!


  • Panels can now access and modify nearly all characteristics of clips in sequences (without resorting to QE DOM subterfuge)
  • Get/set param values and keyframes
  • The Encoder object can now render any projectItem; you can also just have it transcode a file path
  • Get/set selection, within the timeline


Some general sample improvements as well. I show how panels can emulate PPro's new ingest functionality, and I've added a listener for a Vulcan-based message, sent by the After Effects sample panel (which I'll be updating soon).

Importing Markers


I'm currently trying to import markers in a Premiere plugin.

I'm using a Premiere Import plugin and an After Effects Effect plugin.

The AEGP_MarkerSuite2 offers a NewMarker API, but it seems that it's not available in Premiere.

The PrSDKMarkerSuite available in Premiere doesn't look to offer any way to create markers.


What's the most straight forward way to import a bunch of markers into Premiere from a plugin?



Adobe Premiere SDK (API) Developer (Freelancer) wanted


I know this might be off-topic as it is no technical question related to the SDK.
But is has been not easy for me to find an Adobe Premiere SDK (API) Developer (Freelancer) on the freelance platforms I know.


The goal of this project is to build an extension panel.

Must have features are


The goal of this project is to investigate if the envisioned user journey can be accomplished.
We will provide you with

  • user interface mockups
  • a flow chart diagram


What we expect (outcome of the project):

  • a Yes | No statement if the Adobe Premiere SDK provides what we need
  • if yes: Which API calls should be used
  • if yes: we would like to proceed with building the panel. If you want to do the C++ part only - no problem - we have a HTML5 developer who could do the UI part


If you are interested then please click on my profile and send me a message,


How object equality works in Extendscript?


Hello All,


Can someone explain how object equality works in the Premiere Pro?

I am bit confused with following two different outcome


app.project == app.project // returns true
app.projects[0] == app.projects[0] // returns false


Why it behaves differently with same type of object?


Premiere Pro Version: 12.0.0
Extension Type: Panel


Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

Extendscript: How to check string ends with


Hello All,


How to check a string ends with a particular string in extendscript? Where can I find the string api?


Premiere Pro Version: 12.0.0
Extension Type: Panel


Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

Premiere Pro event list?


In the PProPanel sample (github.com/Adobe-CEP/Samples/blob/master/PProPanel/ext.js) there are sample event hooks for "com.adobe.csxs.events.PProPanelRenderEvent" and "com.adobe.csxs.events.WorkspaceChanged" events but these aren't listed in http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/cs-extension-builder/ pdfs/CC_Extension_SDK.pdf  or anywhere else that I've seen.


Are there Premiere Pro events for post-export functions, eg. Final Cut Pro XML or EDL export?


Where can I find a list of supported event types fired by Premiere Pro? Alternatively is it possible to have a "wildcard" event handler which is called for all application event types?



Is there anyone here at the forum, seems no one responds ¿, xml presets ?


Im trying to make a xml file presets programatically, but premiere tell me somethign is wrong with that preset


I know how to set resolution, but im not sure how to especify framerate and apect ratio


i tried the following xml but something is wrong, whats wrong and how can i set framerate and aspect ratio ?


Basically i get some valid preset and replace string, like the bold ones


What can i do ?


Is there anyone that support this forum, support for SDK developers for Adobe ?





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<PremiereData Version="3">


          <StandardFilters Version="1">













          <ExportParamContainer ObjectRef="1"/>







          <ExporterParamContainer ObjectID="1" ClassID="5c20a4a5-5e7c-4032-85b8-26ad4531fe7b" Version="1">


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                    <ExporterChildParams ObjectRef="3"/>



















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                              <ParamContainerItem Index="1" ObjectRef="18"/>



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                              <ParamContainerItem Index="1" ObjectRef="9"/>



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                    <ParamContainerItems Version="1">

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="0" ObjectRef="8"/>



          <ExporterParam ObjectID="8" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">




















          <ExporterParam ObjectID="9" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">



                    <ExporterChildParams ObjectRef="10"/>


















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                    <ParamContainerItems Version="1">

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                              <ParamContainerItem Index="1" ObjectRef="12"/>

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="2" ObjectRef="13"/>

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="3" ObjectRef="14"/>

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="4" ObjectRef="15"/>

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="5" ObjectRef="16"/>

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="6" ObjectRef="17"/>



          <ExporterParam ObjectID="1" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">




















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          <ExporterParam ObjectID="13" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">




















          <ExporterParam ObjectID="14" ClassID="8def7863-204e-4206-8791-54a78f15c66b" Version="1">




















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          <ExporterParam ObjectID="17" ClassID="d0f6b8af-8ddb-4381-acf8-3e817480d07d" Version="1">




















          <ExporterParam ObjectID="18" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">



                    <ExporterChildParams ObjectRef="19"/>


















          <ExporterParamContainer ObjectID="19" ClassID="5c20a4a5-5e7c-4032-85b8-26ad4531fe7b" Version="1">


                    <ParamContainerItems Version="1">

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="0" ObjectRef="20"/>

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="1" ObjectRef="23"/>



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                    <ExporterChildParams ObjectRef="24"/>


















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                    <ParamContainerItems Version="1">

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                              <ParamContainerItem Index="1" ObjectRef="26"/>

                              <ParamContainerItem Index="2" ObjectRef="27"/>



          <ExporterParam ObjectID="25" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">




















          <ExporterParam ObjectID="26" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">




















          <ExporterParam ObjectID="27" ClassID="9f049ab7-d48f-43e9-a8ca-4d7f21233625" Version="1">





















Premiere Markers export and import: Roundtrip via FCP XML not working


The objective of my project is to create a sports app that records markers and saves it in different formats of XML / CSV that I can then import in different NLE packages.

I have already succeeded with Vegas Pro but also want to support NLEs for MAC-OS.


In order to approach this analytically I have exported a very simple project with 1 sequence including 1 clip and 3 markers (with length zero and length > 0) and exported it
in FCP XML from Adobe Premiere CC and do a round-trip import it via FCP import into Adobe Premiere CC.


This round-trip does not work. Any insight why or any support what other mechanism will work?




Where is the API Documentation for the Premiere Pro Panel SDK?


I see the links to the sample application and the getting started guide, but where is the actual SDK documentation?


Where is the documentation that describes the options of manifest.xml?

Where is the documentation for the the PPRO javascript API for the type of functions used in the sample application (ie: "$._ext_PPRO.importFiles()")

How about documentation for this global "__adobe_cep__" object that I see in CSInterface.js in the example?


Thank you

create sequence from clip in extended script


I want to create new sequence from a movie clip using script.how can i access sequence start and end point in script

Javascript API for premiere pro


Where i can find the javascript API link for Premiere pro. I want to change the Lumetri color parameters like Exposure, Contrast, HIghlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks and Saturation etc programmatically.





Looking to Activate Custom Panels via Keyboard Shortcut + Keyboard Listeners when Panel is Active


This may well a couple of feature requests, but looking forward to getting some feedback...


In the interest of building more robust and flexible custom HTML panels, we were looking for ways to achieve the following:

1 - Activate and give focus to a custom panel via keyboard shortcut.

2 - Once activated and in focus that custom panel's key listeners (keystroke, keyup, keydown) can be coded to either take precedent over PPro's keyboard shortcuts or not.


The goal is to get the above two to work in concert so as to create workflows that would allow 100% keyboard driven functionalities, along the lines of:

- Call the Custom Panel via PPro shortcut

- Run the Panel's function (or suite of functionalities) via keystrokes

- Release control back to PPro and Return to regular PPro kb by exiting Panel focus

Imagine rapid fire: keystroke to activate, use, and release.


So far we've been unable to do this.


A - Haven't found a way or workaround to assign the ability to open & give focus to a custom panel via keyboard shortcut

B - Haven't found a way to make custom panel key listeners reliably detect keystrokes even when they are in focus..


So far we've tried by way of the CSInterface binding listed here:


and via standard HTML5/JS bindings

document.body.addEventListener / document.addEventListener.


Occasionally they work, but not reliably.


We're on Mac OS

Sequence In/Out Precision Problem


Hi All,


I recently noticed that sometimes when I set the in/out points in a sequence they'll actually be off by a frame. For context, I want to render a portion of a sequence so I mark the in/out points to be precisely the end of a particular clip. In one example, this is at 4.004s. However when set this as the in point, it's actually set at 4.00397916666s which causes premiere to start at the previous frame. This looks like some sort of a floating point problem, is there a way to get more fidelity (maybe use ticks)?



Bug in app.projects list


Hello All,


I am trying to search project (by it's path) from the app.projects list but I found that the app.projects list in not updated correctly. See below steps:


  • Open a project called test_1.prproj (Either from the UI or from the API)
  • Open another project called test_2.prproj (Either from the UI or from the API)
  • Display projects name using below code:
for (var i = 0; i < app.projects.numProjects; i++) {      $.writeln(app.projects[i].name);


I got below output:



Which means all the projects have been replaced with last opened project. So we can't search a project from app.projects. This clearly looks a bug in the API.
Is there any other way to search a project from all opened projects?


Premiere Pro Version: 12.0.0
Extension Type: Panel


Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

Video Shuttle Support via API?


I'm working on a Panel application for Premiere Pro where the user reviews metadata about a clip while the clip plays. We need to enable keyboard shortcuts for a lot of the same functionality that the program pane has (step forward/back 1 frame, play/stop, etc). Because of the limitations of keyboard shortcuts and panel focus, my panel application must handle these playback shortcuts explicitly.


The interactions I'm having trouble finding support for in the API is shuttle forward/back, increasing the speed of shuttle, etc.


I haven't been able to find anything using the Data Browser that looks like it might do this. The nearest thing I can think to do is to call setPlayerPosition() on an interval, making the playhead jump at approximately the correct rate. This seems overly complicated, and wouldn't have sound playback either, so it seems like a poor approximation.


Has anyone had experience with this?




How to export m2t or m2ts with smart rendering technology using CS4 SDK?


   Hi, I'd like to export my m2t/m2ts files without re-encoding, how should I do? Could you give some demo samples?


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