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Is there any way to keep the panel loaded (with its state) when switch to an existing project


Hi All,


We need to keep the extension panel loaded with its state when we open another existing project.
We have tried keepPanleLoaded function (Samples/Premiere.jsx at master · Adobe-CEP/Samples · GitHub ) but it doesn't work.
Is there any workaround available in Premier Pro API?



Premier Pro Version: 11.0.1
Extension Type: Panel




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Bug in PPro panel SDK regarding project private metadata




I was working with the PPRo 2017 project private metadata and I found that we could not persist custom metadata (those that are not present by default).


I used the official documentation provided here: Samples/PProPanel at master · Adobe-CEP/Samples · GitHub (modify project metadata) and even if I click save the project, whenever I re-open it, the newly created metadata is lost.


Is it intended or known?


Thanks in advance

Plug-In not showing up in premiere pro


Hello, I'm from accevolution (www.accevolution.net) and we've got the problem that our plugins are not showing up in premiere pro at about 30% of the customers machines. Our workaround at the moment is to tell the customers to install the most recent graphics card driver, launch premiere pro while holding down the shift key and if this doesn't help, to set the ignore flag in the registry here: 3. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Premiere Pro\11.0\PluginCache.64\en_US3. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Premiere Pro\11.0\PluginCache.64\en_US to "0".


Any suggestions why they are working perfectly on 70% and not showing up on 30%? From those 30% that have trouble are 99% windows-user, but we also got a few mac users with that problem.


It would be great if somebody could give me a hint.


Best regards,



PP capture plugin build




I have a need to build a capture window, using Premiere Pro, to pull in H.264 RTSP streams from several sources at once. Some are IP cameras, some are SDI converters to H.264 (i.e. Teradek). I have attempted this with FFMPEG processes but we think the FFMPEGS are possibly failing out on bad frames.


Has anyone any knowledge of doing this or has a means to do this? It is a medical suite recording application. We stream H.264 to iPads.





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RegisterKeyEventsInterest Intermittently Not Working?


Last week my panel was properly responding to keyboard input. I would click into it and could get listener callbacks when hitting certain keys for which I'd registered interest with CEP.


Today I started up Premiere (it had actually been up for quite a while, including while the computer slept, but I've shut it off and turned it on again) and found that the CEP panel would not respond to any of the keyboard events. Pressing just about any key while the panel is focused results in a "boop" sound effect (I'm on a mac) and no response from the panel.


As an example, I'm "registering interest" using:


cs.registerKeyEventsInterest('[{"keyCode": 0x0F}]');  // 0x0F is "r" for the mac.


And then adding an event listener with:


document.body.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyEvent, false);


Has anyone else encountered this? What could suddenly cause Premiere Pro to stop properly passing keyboard events on to the panel?

Renaming a clip selected in the project panel?


Hi, I'm new to coding in any form so forgive the simple question. i wanted to create an extension for Premiere/Prelude that would help me rename clips. I haven't had any trouble with the HTML/Javascript part of this, and I have loaded the extension intro Premiere, but I can't figure out how to actually interact with objects inside of Premiere.


I have built a panel where the user inputs some information, and it's reformatted into a string. When the user clicks a button, right now an alert pops up with the string. What I would like to happen, is that when the button is clicked:

  1. The currently selected clip in the project panel is renamed to the string generated by my extension panel.
  2. The next clip in the bin is selected.
  3. That clip is opened in the source monitor.

I feel like these should be relatively simple actions, but I cannot find any documentation on this at all. Several people have linked to PProPanel, but the only was scripts are renamed is by targeting the first item in a bin. There does not appear to be any way to rename a selected clip unless it is already in a timeline, which isn't particularly useful.


Thanks so much for your help!

Adobe Premiere SDK (API) Developer (Freelancer) wanted


I know this might be off-topic as it is no technical question related to the SDK.
But is has been not easy for me to find an Adobe Premiere SDK (API) Developer (Freelancer) on the freelance platforms I know.


The goal of this project is to build an extension panel.

Must have features are


The goal of this project is to investigate if the envisioned user journey can be accomplished.
We will provide you with

  • user interface mockups
  • a flow chart diagram


What we expect (outcome of the project):

  • a Yes | No statement if the Adobe Premiere SDK provides what we need
  • if yes: Which API calls should be used
  • if yes: we would like to proceed with building the panel. If you want to do the C++ part only - no problem - we have a HTML5 developer who could do the UI part


If you are interested then please click on my profile and send me a message,


Why "Export Audio" checkbox is disabled in "SDK_Exporter" example?


I found "Export Audio" checkbox is disabled in "SDK_Exporter" example plugin,why?how to modify code to enable the checkbox?

Premiere Pro event list?


In the PProPanel sample (github.com/Adobe-CEP/Samples/blob/master/PProPanel/ext.js) there are sample event hooks for "com.adobe.csxs.events.PProPanelRenderEvent" and "com.adobe.csxs.events.WorkspaceChanged" events but these aren't listed in http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/cs-extension-builder/ pdfs/CC_Extension_SDK.pdf  or anywhere else that I've seen.


Are there Premiere Pro events for post-export functions, eg. Final Cut Pro XML or EDL export?


Where can I find a list of supported event types fired by Premiere Pro? Alternatively is it possible to have a "wildcard" event handler which is called for all application event types?



Regex on getMediaPath issues


Hi all,


I'm trying to write a script to automatically attach proxies looking in the Proxies subfolder, with the added "_proxy" suffix and the new file extension (.mp4).


Please forgive how ugly this code is but I'm trying to get it working before I refactor it:


function attachProxy(file){    if (file.hasProxy() === false){        var mediaPath = file.getMediaPath();        //escape backslash        var mediaPathFix = mediaPath.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");        // regex to split path into 3: folder + filename + .extension        const splitRegex = /(\w?\:?\\?[\w\-_ \\]*\\+)?([\w-_ ]+)?(\.[\w-_ ]+)?/gi;        var splitNameArray = splitRegex.exec(mediaPathFix); // this is where code goes wrong in the extension, even though it's fine in browser console        var proxyPath = splitNameArray[1] + "Proxies\\\\" + splitNameArray[2] + "_Proxy" + ".mp4";        file.attachProxy(proxyPath, 0);        alert("proxy has been attached");    } else {        alert("proxy attached already");    }


My issue is that I've managed to make this work in the Chrome console, by giving the mediaPath variable a value manually:


mediaPath = "D:\\Al Sahel\\CLIPS\\Drone\\Mountain Bikes\\DJI_0033.MOV"


this returns a proxy path of:


proxyPath = "D:\\Al Sahel\\CLIPS\\Drone\\Mountain Bikes\\Proxies\\DJI_0033_Proxy.mp4"


But once I test it in the JSX file (through JSX Launcher), the splitName array doesn't look correct, just returning "D".


I'm guessing this is to do with escaping backslashes, but I'm not sure where my issue is. I also didn't write the Regex myself so this makes it harder to troubleshoot.


Thanks for your help!

Downloading file with NodeJS in CEP extension


I'm trying to get file downloading with NodeJS working in my CEP extension for Premiere Pro CC 2015. I have the following script:


var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var file = fs.createWriteStream("file.jpg");
var request = http.get("http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/J---aiyznGQ/mqdefault.jpg", function(response) {    response.pipe(file);


The script works perfectly well if I run it on it's own. For example, if I put it in a file called test.js, and run node test.js in terminal, it successfully saves the image to the same directory the script is in.


When I include it in my CEP extension, however, nothing happens. The script executes without errors, but no file is downloaded anywhere. Even if I try:

try {     response.pipe(file);     alert("File downloaded");
} catch(e) {     alert(e);


The "File downloaded" alert pops up. So the lack-of-download doesn't seem to be from an error in the code, but perhaps in the way CEP works itself? I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?



New custom panel doesn't appear in list of extensions


Hi All,


So, I'm setting up to build a custom panel for Premiere, and having some issues getting a basic "hello world" example to appear in the list of extensions under Window->Extensions.  I have PProPanel and Anywhere Example Panel working from the Adobe-CEP samples, just not my new panel.


Folder Structure is:







My index.html file is very simple:

<!doctype html><html>    <body>        <button id="btn">Click me</button>    </body></html>


And manifest.xml is also simple:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ExtensionManifest ExtensionBundleId="com.example.helloworld" ExtensionBundleName="Hello World" ExtensionBundleVersion="1.0" Version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">    <ExtensionList>        <Extension Id="com.example.helloworld.extension" Version="1.0"/>    </ExtensionList>    <ExecutionEnvironment>        <HostList>            <Host Name="PPRO" Version="[8.0,20.0]" />        </HostList>        <LocaleList>            <Locale Code="All" />        </LocaleList>        <RequiredRuntimeList>            <RequiredRuntime Name="CSXS" Version="5.0" />        </RequiredRuntimeList>    </ExecutionEnvironment>       <DispatchInfoList>        <Extension Id="com.example.helloworld">            <DispatchInfo>                <Resources>                    <MainPath>./index.html</MainPath>                </Resources>                <UI>                    <Type>Panel</Type>                    <Menu>Hello world</Menu>                    <Geometry>                        <Size>                            <Height>400</Height>                            <Width>400</Width>                        </Size>                    </Geometry>                </UI>            </DispatchInfo>        </Extension>    </DispatchInfoList></ExtensionManifest>


I'd expect to see "Hello world" appear in Window->Extensions, but instead I just see two example panels I cited above.


I'm using Premiere Pro CC 2015.4 on mac. Thanks in advance for your input!

Premiere Pro CC 2017 Plug-in SDK Download Link is Broken

Workspace programmatically




I've been looking around for quite of time, and I can not find any "easy" solution to my problem.


Is there a way to open Premiere Pro with a specific workspace set before launch. Like a command parameter for exemple.

The need is to force the user to have one project per workspace.


If I understand correctly what I read this afternoon, we can use the Panel SDK to make actions like import files programmatically, but nothing about setting a specific workspace.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



CEP engine extension API to check for file existence


Hi All,


I am looking for an API (CEP FS) which checks a file is exist or not. I couldn't find such inside CEP fs library. I am referring to cep.fs object.


Note: I don't want to use JSX here as that would be asynchronous.



Premiere Pro version: 11.1.0

Extension Type: Panel



Thanks & Regards,
Meet Tank

[Adobe Premiere Pro] Installed Extensions not Showing in Adobe Premiere


[Adobe Premiere Pro] Installed Extensions not Showing in Adobe Premiere


Hi all,


Complete Adobe-Development noob here -- so apologies in advanced for any confusion on my part.


I have a requirement for work to update an extension that someone else (who is no longer available) created for Adobe Premiere Pro.


To the limit of my knowledge, it was hosted on Adobe Exchange and ceased to work due to new released Premiere Pro versions. I am tasked with updating the extension to make it compatible with the newest Premiere Pro release (and hopefully just all versions if possible). The extension is just essentially an iFrame redirect to our web application, housed in an Adobe Premiere Pro panel. I plan to just update the versions and submit a "Patch" on Adobe Exchange with the new ZXP Package.



  1. I cannot see my "installed" extension in Adobe Premiere Pro when testing my ZXP changes -- the extension menu is grayed out / disabled.


Attempted Fix Process (learning to repackage the original ZXP file has been an epic journey):

  • I stripped the original ZXP package of the "mimetype" file and "META-INF" directory after learning those are generated after signing the package.

          ZXP Package Files.png

  • I edited the CSXS --> manifest.xml to provide (what I thought was) the minimum version supported (which I hoped would then just be compatible with all new versions)

               Manifest XML File - Updated.PNG

  • I signed the folder with ZXPSignCmd.exe -- this creates the new, signed ZXP file


  • I install the new ZXP package with ExManCmd.exe
    • Command: ExManCmd.exe /install com.MyExtension.zxp


  • I receive a successful extension installation result:
    • When installing the extension with ExManCmd.exe, the "com.MyExtension" extension folder is being placed in the following path:

      • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions

          Successful CMD Line Install of Extension.PNG


  • Unfortunately, I still do not see the installed extension (or any extensions) in Adobe Premiere Pro version: 11.1.2. The Extensions menu item is grayed out.

          Adobe Premiere Pro - No Extension Showing.png



  1. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance!

Understanding the interaction between ext.js, index.html, and Premiere.jsx


Hello, I am a game developer with minimal Javascript experience. I find myself needing to create panels for Adobe Premiere Pro and am having some difficulty in understanding how these script communicate. I have managed to create a new panel using the manifest.xml file and Frankenstein's Monster together home HTML in the index to show up as a hello world button and graph.


However, when I click the button I get that  "$._PPP_.helloWorld is not a function." I have also managed to get the "Undefined is not a object" message when I remove the PProPanel from the extensions file path (My panel is called Test and largely is just PProPanel copy and pasted). I changed the name of the function block in PremiereTest.jsx and once again got the Undefined error message. If I could get the basic explanation of how these scripts interact and call on each other I would be in a much better position.


It seems like Manifest is setting the Index and PProPanel (Which I have no idea what this does either). ext.js is calling Premiere.jsx (I think this is where my problem is occurring, I'm losing the connection between these in my renaming). Any help for a newby at this would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Transition Items


Hi Bruce Bullis,


thanks for adding some more granularity to transition items. And yet... my humble opinion is using the local language for the name is not a good choice. I suggest this be modified to either remain in english, or better, use a UUID, or use the SMPTE code if the transition is also one standardized by SMPTE (which many of the standard ones are) as an ID.

Also, these improvements have not (yet) found their way into the FCP XML export, this one is still exported as a cross dissolve no matter what the actual transition is.




Best regards,


Getting Display Name Of Clip In Sequence?


Does anyone know if there is a way to access the name of a clip in a specific sequence? I'm looking for the name that is displayed, not necessarily the projectItem name.


In Premiere you can right click on a clip in a sequence and rename the instance of that clip, but not have that actually rename the source item's name in the project.

I'm looking for a way to view the renamed clip's name (and potentially modify it)


I know I can get the source name of a clip with something like this:



But that won't give me the renamed name.


Has anyone come across this before? Any help is appreciated!


Premiere 11.1 Crashing Extendscript using app.project.importSequences


Hi all,


Im currently trying to make an Premiere Panel, which should allow the fast import of sequences.

So i was trying around with the import functions of the Adobe Pro Panel, which looked perfect.


Here is a excerpt of my testcodei used in Extendscript Toolkit CC.


var file = File.openDialog () ;
var pathToPrProj = file.fsName;

var seqIDsToBeImported = new Array;
seqIDsToBeImported[0] = 1;

app.project.importSequences(pathToPrProj, seqIDsToBeImported);


This was based on the sample provided in the PremierePro Panel (Premiere.jsx:96-103).

When executing the code through the Toolkit i get following Error Message.



After this message Premiere suddenly shows an input Error afterwards and comes up with the typical "Premiere encountered an Error and has to be closed...".


To be honest, i have no idea what could cause this error and im also not able to watch the whole line in the Error window.


Does anyone know a workaround or simply sees where my mistakes is?


Thanks in advance, everyone!




p.s. Error is reproducible

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