Why Priemere sends 'exSelBeginInstance' selector twice to export plugin?
Is that correct, that my custom export plugin gets 'exSelBeginInstance' selector twice? Try better explain:Premiere run two instances of my exporter. It easy to see by looking at exporterPluginID...
View ArticleBest way to implement placeholder graphic that is replaced later
Hi, What is the best way to go about implementing the following functionality?-User initiates to add a "placeholder" image to the timeline. As part of this process, the user is directed to a website...
View ArticleMulti-Frame Averaging Filter
I have a filter which requires a history of frames to compute the result (sort of like averaging). I've implemented it using C++ and now I would like to use Adobe Premiere as a frontend. Is this...
View ArticleDuplicate sequence?
I've started to have a look through the SDK documents, but just have a quick question about the SDK functionality that I imagine someone well-versed in it should be able to answer pretty easily: Could...
View ArticleHTML extensions: Getting values out of callbacks
I want to store a value from JSX in JS so I don't have to call evalScript all the time.Is there a way to get a value out of a callback like this? var csInterface = new CSInterface();...
View ArticleHow to export by C++
Can you export from adobe premiere sdk project from my application C++
View ArticleAdobe Media Encoder Script
I've already used script (JavaScript) in Premier, After Effects and Photoshop to help manage our in house workflow and projects and would like to be able to setup some scripts for AME but I'm...
View Articlecs4 plugin install path
Hello,I have a question about premiere pro plugin installation. In the docs it says that On Windows, the common plug-in path can be found in the registry in the following...
View ArticleUI scripting with applescript: Is it possible?
I'm attempting to use applescript to do some automation with file setup and importing with Premiere Pro CC. The company I'm working for is switching from Final Cut 7, and every button and window can be...
View ArticleLanguages for plugin development (C++, C#, Flex)?
Hi all, Is C++ the only language that I can use for Premiere Pro CC plugin development? Someone told me that Flex is also possible, is that true? And how about C#? Thanks.
View ArticlePremier Pro Plug In Using the After Effects API
Hello,According to the SDK you say the After Effects API should be used in order to create Effects type of Plug In's for Adobe Premier. We developed several AE plug in's (Effects) based on the CS6 SDK...
View ArticleIs it possible to create an Importer which automatically can provide the...
Hi, I am creating an synthetic importer to be used in Premiere and Media Encoder.The synthetic importer is file based. The file contains information about the contents to be rendered. Since the code...
View ArticleCreate a custom plugin for Premiere on windows?
I've found that you can create you own custom plugins for Premiere on Mac.Is it possible somehow on Windows? I have a bold idea for one,but without knowledge of C++ seems like it's not really possible...
View ArticlePremiere & multi-threading
Q: (copied here from an email exchange I had with Zac) I’m trying to use an old plug-in that’s an AEX from 2003. It works on Prem Pro but I want to use it in CS3 (coz I have HD footage and Prem Pro...
View ArticleEDL Importer?
Hi, I am not sure the SDK is the proper way to do so, but I'd like to import a set of media files collected in a simple text file, similar like in an EDL import. I looked at the sample code for the...
View ArticlePremiere Pro CS4 SDK - Exporter plugin
Premiere Pro CS4 SDK Hello,I ran sample exporter project from CS4 SDK and it never seems to reach "exSelExport" case in the plugin's main entry point. Instead, after clicking "OK" in exporter window,...
View ArticleQtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll
Hello, I have a question about Qt dll's. We createad a plugin for CS4 and CS5 using Nokia Qt 4.7.1 framework. It works fine, but we have to distibute our plugin with two dll's: QtCore4.dll and...
View ArticleBest way to implement placeholder graphic that is replaced later
Hi, What is the best way to go about implementing the following functionality?-User initiates to add a "placeholder" image to the timeline. As part of this process, the user is directed to a website...
View ArticleCreating C++ objects inside an exporter plugin (CS6 SDK)
I have downloaded the Adobe CS6 SDK. In the exporter example, inside exSelBeginInstance(), there are calls to "memory suite" API. This grabs some memory (at runtime) for a C-struct/array. In my case,...
View ArticleIs there any pre-defined preset file which could represent 'match sequence...
Hi Guys, When exporting with 'match sequence settings' selected, Premiere will export clip with current sequence settings. If I use export controller to export a clip, is there any pre-defined preset...
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