Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - Premiere Pro SDK
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Exporting from Adobe Premiere using extendscript

Hi! I'm trying to figure out how the exportTimeline() function works.  So far, I have managed to import files and add them to a sequence.  Now I want to export the sequence as a Quicktime movie....

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Premiere Markers export and import: Roundtrip via FCP XML not working

The objective of my project is to create a sports app that records markers and saves it in different formats of XML / CSV that I can then import in different NLE packages.I have already succeeded with...

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QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll

Hello, I have a question about Qt dll's. We createad a plugin for CS4 and CS5 using Nokia Qt 4.7.1 framework. It works fine, but we have to distibute our plugin with two dll's: QtCore4.dll and...

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Some question About title importer plugin

We are developing a title importer plugin for CS6, and have some question, hope forums could help me. Thank you very much. 1) Is there API to get title clip's in, out point in timeline ?    in...

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Adobe Premiere platform dependency limit

Hello,we have developed a set of Premiere extensions and a plug-in to interact with the application. We are facing a problem to open a project created on Windows in a Mac system, and viceversa. In...

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Is there any pre-defined preset file which could represent 'match sequence...

Hi Guys, When exporting with 'match sequence settings' selected, Premiere will export clip with current sequence settings. If I use export controller to export a clip, is there any pre-defined preset...

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Scripting for Premiere Pro CC / Premiere Pro CC 2014

Using Extendscript Toolkit I've found that it can possible to scripting for Premiere Pro CC and Premiere Pro CC 2014, but my question is: Why Adobe don't provide any relative scripting guide?? (It's...

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cs4 plugin install path

Hello,I have a question  about premiere pro plugin installation. In the docs it says that On  Windows, the common plug-in path can be found in the registry in the  following...

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Starting up with SDK for CS5 (premiere)

Hello everyone. First of all, I apologize for my english. And also for my possible lacks of knowledge about this matter, I am a completely newbie. I want to develop an exporter plugin for Premiere...

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error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF

hello,I'm new to the sdk and I'm trying to open the sample projects to understand what's going on here,the problem is that when i try to build the project(for example the SDK_File_Import project)i get...

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Premiere Export Plugin Migration

A few years back my current company created an export plugin on Premiere Elements 7 that brings up its own complex UI for creating video content for our Simulation Product.  We have a need to move...

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New Premiere Pro CC SDK

The new Premiere Pro CC SDK is now publicly posted to the DevNet site here: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/premiere.html Some highlights:New GPU Extensions for Effects and TransitionsNew SDK_ProcAmp...

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How to give a Custom property value to all items in Premiere Pro Project?

Hi All, Scenario: Need to map the items inside the Premiere pro project with items in our database. This includes the bins,items inside bin and root project etc. Once the user saves the project in...

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Plugin with CUDA and OpenCL Support

Hello there, i have a question about implementing a premiere plugin which uses CUDA and OpenCL.Unfortunately, the SDK only provides an OpenCL Sample Plugin.My first idea was it to create a plugin which...

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GPU-version of Gaussian Blur sometimes produces visible ringing artifacts on...

Hi, I noticed some annoying ringing artifacts in my footage after applying the GaussianBlur() from the PrSDKGPUImageProcessingSuite. I assume the blur implementation is the same as in the 'Gaussian...

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Find the clip name? Premiere SDK

I might be over thinking this or just plain dumb, but can someone tell me how to grab the clip name from a segment? I feel like there would be some code somewhere if the FCP xml exporter has the names...

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Getting video frame rate in PPro

Hi, I am trying to  write a code in Adobe extension script which extract video meta data information while exporting a video. Any hint or tips in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

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Extension Builder 2.1 and CC 2014

Hello,  we've trying to make our 2.1 extensions available to CC 2014, following the tutorial available at Adobe Extension Builder and Creative Cloud 2014. The problem is that after having installed...

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API for importing a subtitles file into Premiere

Hi,We are developing a plug-in for Premiere, that needs to import a srt file and add it to the sequence with the appropriate time codes.We haven't found any example in the Premiere SDK documentation...

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Duplicate sequence?

I've started to have a look through the SDK documents, but just have a quick question about the SDK functionality that I imagine someone well-versed in it should be able to answer pretty easily: Could...

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