where can i get a comprehensive guide for coding html 5 plugins
'm starting to get fustrated cause i cant find any good documentation on how to create HTML 5 plug ins for just a few videos starting me off. im using eclipse and the extension builder. but i need to...
View ArticleGPU-version of Gaussian Blur sometimes produces visible ringing artifacts on...
Hi, I noticed some annoying ringing artifacts in my footage after applying the GaussianBlur() from the PrSDKGPUImageProcessingSuite. I assume the blur implementation is the same as in the 'Gaussian...
View ArticleIs it possible to add a clip to a sequence using ExtendScript?
My job consists of making videos that follow a very specific format: add the interview clip, add the opener, lower third, outro music, copyright, make sure the audio levels are good, add a Dynamics...
View ArticleGetting video frame rate in PPro
Hi, I am trying to write a code in Adobe extension script which extract video meta data information while exporting a video. Any hint or tips in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
View ArticleScripting for Premiere Pro CC / Premiere Pro CC 2014
Using Extendscript Toolkit I've found that it can possible to scripting for Premiere Pro CC and Premiere Pro CC 2014, but my question is: Why Adobe don't provide any relative scripting guide?? (It's...
View ArticleAdobe Media Encoder Script
I've already used script (JavaScript) in Premier, After Effects and Photoshop to help manage our in house workflow and projects and would like to be able to setup some scripts for AME but I'm...
View ArticleHow to invoke JavaScript for Premiere Pro CC?
Hi, I am new to Adobe CC products/scripting and I'm trying to control Adobe Premiere Pro CC from another desktop application. Using ExtendScript Toolkit, from its UI, I can invoke JavaScript commands...
View ArticleOpen video in Source monitor from extension / ExtendScript?
I want to write a panel extension which browses a remote asset management system, downloads proxy videos, and shows them in the Source monitor; similar to the Media Browser panel.However, I can't find...
View Article[CS5] Which of the argument of xSDKExport is correct?
Hi, CS5r1 SDK with Premiere CS5 trial version There are definition of the xSDKExport as follows.Which is correct?(a) Headers/PrSDKExport.htypedef PREMPLUGENTRY (* ExportEntryFunc)(csSDK_int32 selector,...
View ArticleCS5 SDK + AME CS4 = Crash from bad memorySuite
Hi all,I compiled the CS5 SDK_Exporter example and only changed one thing: 1: the build from x64 to x86 (because I'm on Win7 32bit with CS4 Production Premium) BTW the enviroment...
View ArticleAlpha channel in Exporters
Hello,I'm having difficulties with alpha channel in an exporter. Symptoms - no alpha channel is given to my exporter by Premiere Pro when using source with alpha channel. I created a sample test video...
View ArticleHello, new to Premier Pro CC; from FCPX and & 7. Trying to link a script to a clip but metadata says <not editable> How do I change this??
View ArticlePlugin development for premiere, adobe example error LNK1104: cannot open...
Hello,I downloaded the Premiere Pro CS 5.5 Win SDK, i open the project SDK_Exporter in Visual Studio 2008, when i hit debug i get the following error Error1fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file...
View ArticleIs there anyone here at the forum, seems no one responds ¿, xml presets ?
Im trying to make a xml file presets programatically, but premiere tell me somethign is wrong with that preset I know how to set resolution, but im not sure how to especify framerate and apect ratio i...
View ArticleHow to Export timeline work area not entire timeline
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sExportControllerSuitePtr->ExportFile(timelineInfo->mModuleID, timelineInfo->mTimelineID, &ecExportRec) It exports the entire timelien, but i want to export only...
View ArticleExport frame
Hi all, is it possible to export a frame of the sequence using the SDK, implementing what a used can do using the Export Frame command?Thank you in advance. Ale
View ArticleAdobe Premiere platform dependency limit
Hello,we have developed a set of Premiere extensions and a plug-in to interact with the application. We are facing a problem to open a project created on Windows in a Mac system, and viceversa. In...
View ArticleFind the clip name? Premiere SDK
I might be over thinking this or just plain dumb, but can someone tell me how to grab the clip name from a segment? I feel like there would be some code somewhere if the FCP xml exporter has the names...
View ArticleTrouble with Exporter Utility Suite
Hello. I have a trouble in my exporter using Exporter Utility Suite. If i place in the sequence a videoclip that is shorter than audioclip, Exporter Utility Suite only render videoclip frames, empty...
View Articlecs4 plugin install path
Hello,I have a question about premiere pro plugin installation. In the docs it says that On Windows, the common plug-in path can be found in the registry in the following...
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