Hello guys
I'm having a problem porting my ExportController to cross platform and it recently refuses to get loaded.
Here is Plugin loading.log:
Loading C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS6\MediaCore\ExportControllerSDK.prm
Loading from disk...
No loaders recognized this plugin, so the plugin is set to Ignore.
I found CS6_ServiceManager.log but I'm not sure if it's related (altho I changed some IO precisely before it broke)
2013-02-12 01:13:50 : ERROR vcfoundation::system::VCSysError: WriteFile() failed <232: The pipe is being closed.>
race: 1 0X0049199F
2 0X0048E7A3
3 0X0048E91E
4 0X00488C16
5 0X00491CF8
6 0X00490C6F
7 0X0048ED72
8 0X004884BB
9 0X0049BAF5
10 0X0049BB7F
11 0X759F8543
12 0X7791AC69
13 0X7791AC3C
Where else can I find more information on my problem or can I enable debug launch logs? It compile and builds fine and the code has been tested externally of PPro so I'm having an hard time figuring it out.. Any help or advice appreciated.
Also is it possible to pass an argument from a flex plugin to the ExportController, i.e ExportTimeline in the snippet below:
DllExport PREMPLUGENTRY xExportControllerEntry (
int selector, ecStdParms *stdParms, void *param1)
prMALError result = exportReturn_Unsupported;
switch (selector)
case exportController_ExportTimeline:
result = ecExportTimeline(stdParms, reinterpret_cast<ExportControllerTimelineInfoRec*>(param1));
Call is currently made from JSX function (invoked by the flex) but if I could propagate an argument it would solve all my problem!!!
Thanks in advance,