Hello Zac,
I have a question about getting current value from a dropdown in the exporter UI. Currently I have a custom drop down which I populate with UTF16 strings. I set it up as follows:
// Field order
1) exNewParamInfo ParamName ;
2) exParamValues ParamValues;
3) ParamName.structVersion = 1;
4) safeStrCpy(ParamName.identifier, 256, ADBEVideoFieldType); //fieldtype is taken as an example from existing code
5) ParamName.paramType = exParamType_int;
6) ParamName.flags = exParamFlag_none;
7) ParamValues.structVersion = 1;
8) ParamValues.disabled = kPrFalse;
9) ParamValues.hidden = kPrFalse;
10) fieldOrderParam.paramValues = ParamValues;
exportParamSuite->AddParam( exporterPluginID,
I'm then able to load my dynamically generated strings into the drop down (during ProstProcessParams) and they are displayed correctly.
Then, during Export I call
exportParamSuite->GetParamValue(exID, 0, ADBEBasicVideoGroup, &ParamValueToBeReturned);
to get current value .
However, I don't get UTF16 string back. My guess is it's happening because the value of this field is UTF16 and not int (as I set up on line 5). I've tried using exParamType_string, but that gives me an editable text field.
So, how do I set up a custom drop down correctly to get current string values from it?