I'm trying to get my exporter to simultaneously export 2 separate files (one for audio, one for video):
(1) *.wav file (for PCM audio)
(2) *.m4v file (for encoded H264 video)
The exported WAV & M4V files are readable in external tools - So I have the basic exporting routines writing out correct fileData.
But so far, I can do ONE at a time -- i.e. I have manually hardcoded the 'supportsAudio' and 'supportsVideo' to to be mutually exclusive, and changed my exDoExport() routine to behave accordingly.
I want my exporter to support any combination of audio/video exporter: audio-only, video-only, or audio + video
(1) audio-only : write out a single *.WAV file
(2) video-only : write out a single *.m4V file
(3) audio+video : write out both files (*.WAV + *.M4V)
But I can't figure out how to do this through the Premiere Pro CS6 SDK.
I've tried writing handlers for the selector exSelQueryOutputFileList. I followed the directions carefully (about PPro calling the selector 3 times in a row.) I've stepped through my handler using VS2010's debugger, so I *know* that CS6 is calling me 3 times. And I have also confirmed that I correctly set the numOutputFiles, outputFileRecs.pathLength, and outputFileRecs.path.
But when the 'export' method is finally engaged, CS6 only calls the exSelExport selector ONCE, and it only passes the first outputFileRec[#0]. So there is no opportunity for my exporter code to utilize the 2 outputFileRecs that were allocated previously.
....How is this supposed to work?!?