Trying this:
function SwitchOffVideoOutput (vtracks,activeSeq)
var active_seq = activeSeq;
var videotracks = active_seq.videoTracks;
alert("numTracks: "+ videotracks.numTracks);
track = vtracks.split("|");
for (i=0; i <= track.length; i++) {
alert("Switching off: "+ track[i]);
// Would like to do something like this:
// videotracks[track].enabled=false;
// videotracks[track].output=false;
// Renaming sequence from A to B
tmp = active_seq.name;
tmp = tmp.replace("_A","_B");
//active_seq.name = tmp;
SwitchOffVideoOutput ("2|3|4",app.project.activeSequence);
// But also would like to do this:
var myColl = app.project.selection;
for (i=0; i <= myColl.length; i++) {//loop through the project
SwitchOffVideoOutput ("2|3|4",myColl.name);
// SwitchOffVideoOutput and rename selection in Premiere Pro