I am trying to build a plugin which can use a custom codec to export an imported video to h264 format.
The codec which i have to use converts a YUV420 raw video to h264 format. As given in the Premiere SDK Guide
the SDK Exporter supports uncompressed 8-bit RGB with or without alpha, and packed
10-bit YUV (v410). The initial rendering is performed by the RenderVideoFrame() function call which is called in RenderAndWriteVideoFrame().
This is then converted using various calls like ConvertFrom8uTo32f(), ConvertFromBGRA32fToVUYA32f(), and ConvertFrom32fToV410().
The problem i m facing is that i m not able to verify if the RenderVideoFrame() is working correctly and the format in which it writes.
Is there any way to check using any media player that can play the exported video. Unless i know the exact(correct) exported format
i wont be able to convert it to the required YUV420 format that i need.
Also if i dont use the ConvertFrom functions and use only the video stream written by RenderVideoFrame, can u specify clearly the format
and any media player which can play it, so as to check the working.