Premiere Pro CS4 SDK
I ran sample exporter project from CS4 SDK and it never seems to reach "exSelExport" case in the plugin's main entry point. Instead, after clicking "OK" in exporter window, premiere pro cs4 returns selector = 14 and after nothing happens (because there is no case for 14) host gives selector 8 (EndInstance). After that Adobe Media Encoder Queue is launched. That seems like a flaw to me since I'm not able to handle the export as i wish (in my case, I want to use 3rd party exporter to get frames, audio/video info, etc.) in exSelExport case. Is that a typical workflow for Pr CS4 to pass compression/rendering straight to Media Encoder? Under what circumstances can I get into exSelExport when I'm ready to export a clip? I'm using Pr Pro CS4 4.0.0.