According to the SDK doc page 117 on presets, you're supposed to install to "App installation path" but I can't find a reliable registry entry that indicates what it is.
Premiere Pro presets
[App installation path]\MediaIO\systempresets\[exporter subfolder]
I did find...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\[version]\AMECodecCache\64\en_US\AppRoot
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Premiere Pro\[version]\AMECodecCache\64\en_US\Default\AppRoot
What is the correct way to detect the installation path?
What if the user has CS5 and CS6 installed?
What if the user doesn't have en_US installed as the language?
Is it really a common preset system for CS5 and CS6 as the doc suggests or do you have to put it in both PPro and AME?