I'm developing a plugin using the Transmit API and for some reason it's only displaying the first character of the display name in the Playback window.
The code is as follows:
#define PLUGIN_DISPLAY_NAME L"My Plugin"
memcpy(&outPluginInfo->outDisplayName, PLUGIN_DISPLAY_NAME, sizeof(PLUGIN_DISPLAY_NAME));
I thought it could be because it's expecting a uint16_t array but the L macro produces a wchar_t array, however when I created a uint16_t array it still exhibited the same problem.
It's worth noting that the example Transmit API code in the SDK suffers from this issue too.
Currently my workaround is to not provide the outDisplayName at all which causes Premiere to populate it with the filename of the plugin bundle, but I would prefer to set the name programmatically.
I am running Premiere Pro CS 6.0.2 on OS X 10.7.4.