Hi Zac,
I have a question again about using playGetFilePrefs() and playSetFilePrefs() properly in the context of having both a source monitor and a program monitor running. If both the source and program monitors are set to use our playmod for playback, is it possible to have each monitor set to a different configuration? Or, as I am fairly certain this is possible, a more appropriate thing to ask is - what is the best way to accomplish this?
When playGetFilePrefs() is called and our dialog box is launched and dismissed, we are ending playGetFilePrefs() with a return of 'playmod_BroadcastPrefs', which in turn gets followed by calls to playSetFilePrefs(), which seems to get called once for each playmod instance that exists - thus, if both source and program monitors are open and using our playmod for playback, playSetFilePrefs() gets called twice.
I assume in the dialog box we launch for the purpose of the user configuring playback prefs that we should have options for both source and monitor playback (as well as the others we support - secondary display program monitor, sdi output, etc). However as we have only one version of a dialog box that gets called via one call to playGetFilePrefs(), we need to be able to differentiate in the ensuing calls to playSetFilePrefs() which player (either source or program) is associated with the particular call to playSetFilePrefs(). I assume we should have attributed to the controls on our dialog a playID value which tells if the control is for the source monitor or the program monitor, however how and where do we find out what is the playID of the player attributed to the source monitor (if there is one open) and what is the playID of the player attributed to the program monitor (if there is one) so that we can make sense of the information we are pulling from our playback settings dialog session?
Thanks as always,